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Date: Wednesday, 23 November 2022



Zoom Room: / Password: OFB-WG#001

Jamboard Link:


Action Items: EN         

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN    





  1. Roll Call - Staff (1 min)

  2. Welcome and Aim of Call - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (1 min)

  3. Review of Action Items from the Previous Meeting - Cheryl/staff  (3 mins)

  4. Continuation of our work going forward - All (40 mins)  

    1. Routine updating of our APAT tool as required and inclusion of regular Implementation updates such as from WS2 

    2. Addition of Priority class outcomes from  Final List of Prioritized Specific Review Recommendations FY23 Planning 03 May 2022
        and TBP FY24

    3. Discuss a general work plan or activities tracker for meetings over the next 12-18m  see slides 9,10 &11 here ; Fig 5 page 18  here and Sec 4.1 and Fig 4 page 13 here  for background on an example of intent.
    4. Discuss the cadence of Meetings and following activities regularly and  'as needs be' from time to time

    5. Other...
  5. AOB - (3-5 mins) 

  6. Next Call including cadence of future Meetings (2 -5 mins)
