Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Comment: Fix links.

Overarching activity:


  • All are to consider what areas of improvement to the APAT should be made going forward. What should be put on hold, etc.  To add still is the colour code for WS2 reporting of status by ICANN.Org   (red -  for implementation not started; blue -  for implementation in progress; green - for implementation completed.) and hyperlink reference document in the relevant slot in WS2 ta; Referencing to Budget and Finance documentation  re aspects of MSM e.g. Diversity etc., marita.moll to advise here;  Others  To be listed
  • All to consider and discuss on list options brought forward to optimise  APAT platform stability and ongoing usefulness and in this start with this review article and share others to the list.

2022-11-10 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call




2022-02-09 OFB WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call

  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr asked all to create talking points for ICANN 73 slides, 
  •  jonathan.zuck will look at 3 categories of Board reaction
  •  All to work on slides by next week's session will include their ideas in Jamboard. Each person will have 1-2 slide to populate,
  •  Yesim Saglamwill schedule the call for next Wed 16 at 19 UTC 


2021-12-14 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call

  •  No AIs noted.  

2021-12-08 OFB-WG Recommendations Prioritization Sub-Group Call

  •  Alan Greenberg to create a new column C with a merger of columns B and D in the legend. 
  •  Alan Greenberg to come up with a terminology alternative to "unimportant"
  •  All are to review the text in the Legend one more time to be able to remove the remaining red on next week's call. 
  •  All should review column F in their tab of expertise (especially WS2)
  •   raymondselorm.mamattahto contact Cheryl Langdon-Orrfor mini-updates for capacity building to allow him to catch up. 
  •  Heidi Ullrichto check with relevant org staff to invite them to a planned At-Large session at ICANN73. 
  •   Devan ReedClaudia Ruizto schedule the next OFB-WG Small Group on Tuesday at 21:00 UTC. 


  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr to place holding sentence in row 13 to capture discussions ahead of Marita's edits
  •  Claudia Ruiz to confirm Marita has editing rights
  •  marita.moll to make comments on all recommendations based on her knowledge
  •  Devan Reed to set up next call on Wed 23 June at 18:00 UTC. Add Marita to invitations

2021-05-26  OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call

  •  Michelle DeSmyterto schedule next for Wednesday 09 June at 18:00 UTC and to invite include Marita Moll in invite


  •   jonathan.zuck  and Cheryl Langdon-Orr to lines 18 and 19 to the upper section in WS/RT sheet.  
  •  Claudia Ruizto schedule the next OFB-WG Recommendation  Prioritization Small-Team call on 31 March at the regular time. 

2021-03-10 WS2 Prioritisation Small Team Call


  •   Alan Greenbergand jonathan.zuckto review main rec tracker document and add their comments, etc (add initials to your comments) by COB, Tuesday, 23 Feb. 
  •   Olivier Crépin-Leblondto add any annotations to the recs by COB, Tuesday, 23 Feb.
  •  Heidi Ullrichto invite Lauriin Jabhera Matogoro and Ramkrishna Pariyarto join when we discuss SSRT Recommendations and marita.moll for the MSM recommendations. (Marita completed)
  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orrto present a brief update of 5 mins on the OFB-WG on 23 Feb  postponed to a following meeting date TBC 
  •  Next 2 or 3 calls will focus on RDS/CCRT recs. 
  •  Next calls will be weekly on 3 and 10 March. 

2021-01-20 WS2 Prioritisation Small Team Call

  •  Members of Group to note the AI from the OFB-WG that this group will present its WS2 results on the next meeting of the OFB-WG scheduled for 27 January.
  •  EE to open Google doc to the WS2 small group members. 
  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr to edit text 6 - Increase SO/AC Accountability
  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  to note new nomenclature i.e., change the category from HIGH/MODERATE/MEDIUM to something along the lines of EASY/AVERAGE...
  •  Tidy up Recommendation of ICANN Transparency 
  •  CLO to prepare a couple of slides for the presentation to the OFB-WG, recognizing that the Google doc has been presented to them twice before. 
  •  Members to review comments on the doc when they are pinged. 
  •  Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to make a copy of the Thresher doc and remove numbers from column i. 
  •   Next recommendations: 
  •  sebastien.bachollet to review comments on item 5 of Ombudsman. 
  •  Next call - 17 February. 
