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FY22 SO/AC Additional Budget Request Decisions

At-Large FY22 Budget Development Workspace

For historical reasons, the previous FY's Additional Budget Request Workspace is available at At-Large FY21 Additional Budget Request Implementation Workspace.



 Original Description

Details of Decision (emphasis added)

Materials Required



Professional Individual End User PollSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for support ICANN org agrees with the ALAC that “more knowledge would be helpful to the ICANN community” about priority issues in ICANN policy development, advisory, or technical work.

ICANN org encourages the ALAC to work with the Policy Development Support function and Public Responsibility Support team to collect the perspectives of targeted end users about one topic in one language in selected countries, within the limitations of the estimated support allocation. Working with ICANN org, the ALAC may engage a professional polling organization.

The estimated support envisions professional design and distribution of questions. The ALAC will be responsible for analyzing the data and publishing the findings.

The ALAC is required to submit an initial report by 31 December 2021 and a final report by 30 June 2022 to


Responsible Staff:

Heidi Ullrich and Ergys Ramaj

At-Large Lead: 

Jonathan Zuck


Small End User Survey Group have had regular meetings, including with SMEs. 

Topic of End User Survey is to be IDNs/UA.

Country of survey to be India. 

Survey organization selected through an RFP. (April 2022)

Survey questions being finalized (May 2022)

Survey being implemented (May to June 2022)

Survey completed with initial report delivered. 

Final report due on 20 July. 

RTT of Zoom Meetings in Spanish and FrenchSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for support on the condition that the ALAC submits the report for FY21-12 by 30 June 2021. ICANN org agrees with the ALAC that real-time transcription (RTT) of Zoom meetings “enhances understanding...not only for those who
may have a hearing disability but also for those whose. primary language may not be English...or [have] limited facility in English”.

For FY22, ICANN org encourages the ALAC to work with the Policy Development Support function and Language Services team to identify appropriate Zoom meetings for eight hours of RTT in French per month and eight hours of RTT in Spanish per month.

The ALAC is required to submit an initial report by 31 December 2021 and a final report by 30 June 2022 to. These reports are a condition of any future support.


Responsible Staff:

Heidi Ullrich and Christina Rodriguez

At-Large Lead: 

Judith Hellerstein

Language Services noted that the market offerings don’t meet their requirements and standards currently. 




 Original Description

Details of Decision

Materials Required



Diversity in ICANN Leadership BodiesEURALOSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for partial support. No travel support is approved for this request ICANN org agrees with EURALO that enhancing diversity in ICANN community leadership bodies would benefit from additional data.

ICANN org encourages EURALO to work with the Policy Development Support function and Public Responsibility Support
team to design a study about diversity in the context of the Work Stream 2 recommendations of the Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability. Working with ICANN org and within the limitations of the estimated support allocation, EURALO may engage either a diversity expert or a data analyst for this study as appropriate.

The study should incorporate a virtual workshop series open to the broader ICANN community. Findings from the study
should be published.

EURALO is required to submit an initial report by 31 December 2021 and a final report by 30 June 2022 to


Responsible Staff:

Heidi Ullrich and Ergys Ramaj

At-Large Lead: 

Sebastien Bachollet


At-Large staff and Public Responsibility Support (PRS) staff are working with Sebastien Bachollet and Yrjo Lansipuro on the development of a survey.  

A data analyst is being contracted. (May 2022)

Survey being implemented (June 2022)

NOTE: Extended through 20 July 2022.

Survey completed on 6 July. 

Data Analyst to submit final report on 20 July 2022. 

Protecting the Internet’s Unique Identifier System in an Age of


This is a recommendation for partial support. No travel support is approved for this request. ICANN org agrees with EURALO that it is important to identify “end user interests” in the investigation of the “impact of disinformation actors on the Internet’s
unique identifier system and the response by public authorities and private actors” as it relates to geopolitical challenges to the mission

ICANN org encourages EURALO to work with the Policy Development Support function to develop two webinars to identify issues and explore solutions; the webinars should be open to the broader ICANN community. Working with the Language Services
team, the webinars may include remote simultaneous interpretation in English, French, and Spanish.

EURALO is required to submit a report to by 30 June 2022.


Responsible Staff:

Heidi Ullrich and Christina Rodriguez

At-Large Lead: 

Joanna Kulesza


Webinar 1: 

21 September - Seventh round-table (by EURALO): "DNS Abuse and intermediary liability of non-hosting providers"

Webinar 2: 

October 2021 At-Large Policy Session 2: Tackling DNS Abuse(ICANN 72 At-Large Week)

Support Participation of Individual Users in EURALOEURALOSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for partial support.  ICANN org does not manage the EURALO website, and as such, is not in a position to assess the need for enhancements to the EURALO website, including translation of content.

ICANN org supports the engagement of EURALO individual members. ICANN org already provides teleconference and virtual
meeting support via Zoom to the ICANN community.

Please refer to Section 3.A.13 for more information about support for the “welcome package”.

Connected to the approved ABR on Community Communications Support. 

Responsible Staff: 

Gisella Gruber/Comms

At-Large Lead: 

Roberto Gaetano

Management of the web site. (N/A)

  • the web site needs fixes every now and then - up to now I have done it, but one problem has arisen on the membership application form that I do not have the competences for solving

Membership application procedure (under review)

  • due to the application form problem - see above - the current procedure is to send an email to the official EURALO Individual Users address and the application is processed manually - the recommendation of the UIM-WP is that this part of the process in managed by Staff, who receive the application and pass it to the EURALO Individual Users Board - if this implementation is agreed, there is no need to fix the application form problem, while the addition of the approved applicant will continue to be made manually, as is now. 

Upgrade of the web site (N/A)

  • the web site needs several changes - we need to keep the documents of the Association - e.g. Bylaws, etc. - accessible and up-to-date, some pages are outdated, some links to the ALAC pages must be reviewed, etc. - this needs to be done as a small project, with definition of the needs, definition of the objectives, project plan, execution, assessment of the result - while the overall project management should be done by volunteer individual members, the implementation needs an expert in web programming that can be hired using the additional budget

Creation of a roster of competences (under review)

  • several attempts have been made to create a roster of competences for ALS members and for Individuals, but the current solution does not seem to work very effectively - we could approach this issue as a proper project, defining the objectives, the needs, the success criteria - as for the web site, the overall management of the project should be carried on by volunteers, but there might be the need for additional resources that require funding

Outreach (COMPLETED)

  • it is important to have the opportunity to participate to events where potential new individual members could be approached - this includes, for instance, local, regional and global IGF
  • we should produce a leaflet or other material in support of outreach activities - while the paper leaflet seems to be still the most popular form we should consider other media that could be accessed remotely, like web pages, short videoclips, and more - presence on social media to advertise the EURALO Individual Users Association is also very important

Welcome package (Yes, within parameters of Community Communication Support)

  • we need to have a standard set of information to be provided to new members to bring them up to speed - this should include information on the organization of the different web sites, including the Confluence pages as well as information on all the training possibilities

Fixed expenditures for the web site (N/A)

  • as of today the EURALO Individual Users Association web site is owned by a volunteer - this includes ownership of the domain name(s) and the web site content - this implies also some financial commitment, although the most important issue is not the financial contribution but the ownership, because the web site should be part of the EURALO assets and not be left in the hands of an individual
  • name registration - [] and [] - yearly fees, currently paid by Roberto
  • WordPress subscription for the management of the web site - yearly fee.
LAC Digital Forum: Civil Society and GovernmentLACRALOSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for partial support. No travel support is approved for this request. ICANN org agrees with LACRALO that it is
important to provide the Latin American and Caribbean regional community a space for dialogue to explore “recent challenges facing the Internet ecosystem”.

ICANN org encourages LACRALO to work with the Policy Development Support function to develop a three-day virtual workshop; the workshop may be designed primarily for LACRALO At-Large Structures but should be open to the broader At-Large and ICANN communities.

Working with the Language Services team, the workshop may include remote simultaneous interpretation in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. LACRALO is required to submit a report to by 30 June 2022


Responsible Staff:

Heidi Ullrich and Christina Rodriguez

At-Large Lead: 

Augusto Ho, Harold Arcos and Claire Craig. 


Three panels:

Session 1:  Internet as Essential Public Service and the Global Public Interest  (17 May 2022)

Session 2:  Universal Acceptance and IDNs  (18 May 2022)

Session 3:  Infrastructure and access to underserved and rural areas (19 May 2022)

Project wiki: LAC DIGITAL 

Not Approved At-Large Additional Budget Requests




 Original Description

Details of Decision

Threaded Discussion and Decision Support ToolsetALACSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for no support. The ICANN org Policy Development Support and Engineering and Information Technology functions have developed a strategy to
consistently manage technical projects for ICANN community needs, including the research, acquisition, testing, deployment, and evaluation of collaboration tools.

ICANN org will engage with the ALAC and consider its and all interested ICANN community groups’ needs as part of this effort.

Translation and Publication of Materials for Individual
User Education
on DNS Abuse

ALACSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for no support. Though this request does relate to ongoing
ICANN community discussions, the request does not clearly describe how it directly and
demonstrably relates to current ICANN community policy development, advisory, and
technical work.

ICANN org encourages the ALAC to continue engaging on this topic in coordination with other ICANN community groups.

ICANN org would consider supporting future educational efforts agreed upon by the ICANN community related to policy development, advisory, or technical work on this topic.

National Forum on the Use of Social NetworksAFRALOSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for no support. The request does not explain how it directly
and demonstrably relates to current ICANN community policy development, advisory, and technical work. Moreover, the request does not indicate any coordination with the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) function Africa team or alignment with the. ICANN Africa Strategy.

ICANN org encourages AFRALO to work with the Policy Development Support and relevant regional GSE teams to determine how ICANN org can best support its work.

Second Edition of the Malian School of Internet GovernanceAFRALOSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for no support. The request does not explain how it directly
and demonstrably relates to current ICANN community policy development, advisory, and technical work.

Moreover, the request does not indicate any coordination with the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) function Africa team or alignment with the ICANN Africa Strategy.

ICANN org encourages AFRALO to work with the Policy Development Support and relevant regional GSE teams to determine how ICANN org can best support its work.

Chadian School of Internet Governance 2021AFRALOSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for no support. The request does not explain how it directly
and demonstrably relates to current ICANN community policy development, advisory, and technical work.

Moreover, the request does not indicate any coordination with the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) function Africa team or alignment with the ICANN Africa Strategy.

ICANN org encourages AFRALO to work with the Policy Development Support and relevant regional GSE teams to determine how ICANN org can best support its work.

Training and Awareness on DNS and Personal Data Protection


This is a recommendation for no support. The request does not explain how it directly
and demonstrably relates to current ICANN community policy development, advisory, and technical work.

Moreover, the request does not indicate any coordination with the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) function Africa team or alignment with the ICANN Africa Strategy.

ICANN org encourages AFRALO to work with the Policy Development Support and relevant regional GSE teams to determine how ICANN org can best support its work.

Translation Tool for FrenchAFRALOSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for no support. The ICANN org Policy Development Support
and Engineering and Information Technology functions have developed a strategy to
consistently manage technical projects for ICANN community needs, including the
research, acquisition, testing, deployment, and evaluation of collaboration tools.

ICANN org will engage with AFRALO and consider its and all interested ICANN community
groups’ needs as part of this effort.

APRALO Leadership at the Pacific Internet Governance


This is a recommendation for no support. The request does not explain how it directly and demonstrably relates to current ICANN community policy development, advisory, and technical work. I

ICANN org encourages APRALO to work with the Policy Development Support function and Global Stakeholder Engagement function Oceania team to determine its participation in the Pacific
Internet Governance Forum.

At-Large Delegation to the 2021 Internet Governance


This is a recommendation for no support. The request does not explain how it directly
and demonstrably relates to current ICANN community policy development, advisory,
and technical work.

ICANN org encourages EURALO to work with the Policy Development Support and Global Stakeholder Engagement functions to determine its participation in the 2021 Internet Governance Forum.

Involving Youth in At-Large EURALOSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for no support. This is request for additional travel support to ICANN Public Meetings, which is against the ABR principles.  In addition, the ICANN Fellowship an NextGen@ICANN Programs provide opportunities for engaging youth in the policy development, advisory, and technical work of ICANN.

ICANN org encourage EURALO to work with the Policy Development Support function and Public Responsibility Support team to determine how to engage youth in its work.

Internet of Things and the Increasing Governance Challenges


This is a recommendation for no support. The request does not explain how it directly
and demonstrably relates to current ICANN community policy development, advisory, and technical work.

ICANN org encourages EURALO to work with the Policy Development Support and Global Stakeholder Engagement functions to determine its participation in the 2021 Internet Governance Forum.

Virtual School of Internet GovernanceNARALOSee ABR Request

This is a recommendation for no support. The request does not explain how it directly and demonstrably relates to current ICANN community policy development, advisory, and technical work. Moreover, the request does not indicate any coordination with the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) function North America team and does not align with the ICANN North America Strategy nor the ICANN approach to schools of Internet governance.

ICANN org encourages NARALO to work with the Policy Development. Support and relevant regional GSE teams to determine how ICANN org can best support its work.
