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Pending AIS

23 February- Course De briefing call 

  • Registration data: 
  •  Daniel Fink  will provide gender distribution registration data.
  •  Albert Daniels  mentioned that connection with Academic engagement is key to promote participation. For example, students participating from Jamaica got student credit from their University.
  •  Languages:  staff will look into offering this training and other training  courses in French.

  • Social media campaign led by Comms department:

Social media in several platforms is key. Facebook, twitter, Linkedln, NA Newsletter. There is a direct correlation between social media and registration.

  •  Alexandra Dans will share Social media engagement statistics after ICANN 73.
  • Course Materials and contents feedback:

Naela recommended to Re-vamp materials - training in person for UA is recommended so students can get hands- on experience and make them more interactive.

Staff will look into Visuals, videos, interactive tools.

Live Polls used by instructors were good.

  • Course Tools: 

Need for Repository of supporting materials for  UA links- there were lots of links shared in the zoom chat, they are lost. Staff will look into one single repository.

Tool for collaboration and interaction with students: Staff will look into a different system not telegram- but perhaps  "slack" as way to communicate among students and with ICANN org staff.

Certificates- There was lack of clarity about certificates.

Glenn suggested Orientation package to be prepared to be shared previous to courses. 

Marketing - Course was marketed as NARALO, but more people from all over the world joined, so there is a need to identify Regional aspects vs. who else can join.

13 January

  •  Daniel Fink and Joe Catapano to prepare a short class evaluation survey to be launched right after zoom closes. Daniel Fink will configure the survey in zoom which will be launched after each class.
  •  Joe Catapanoand Daniel Finkto prepare housekeeping remarks, rules for certification, ICANN org standards of behavior.
    Housekeeping, etc,
  •  Daniel Fink to share the survey text with Alexx for Comms to review it.
  •  Daniel Fink  send an invite to all to do a rehearsal before the course.
  •  Eduardo DIazto prepare welcoming remarks to be delivered before each class. He will close the course as well.
  •  Yesim Saglam will set up a call after the finalization of the webinars, for Thursday 2/24 at 17:00 UTC.


October 06 2021

  •   Alexandra Danswill prepare the Save the date graphic for promotion in NARALO's Social media channels.
  •  Alexandra Danswill prepare the Save the date in constant contact with more information for wider promotion.
  •  Devan Reed to schedule the next teleconference for Wednesday Nov 3 at 16 UTC


  •  Alexandra Dans will prepare a promotion plan with ETA for different Comms efforts
  •  Alexandra Dans will share prepare a flyer to be ready before ICANN72. 
  •  Alexandra Dans  will prepare a blurb for promotion in coordination with Daniel Fink, Naela Sarras and Silvia Vivanco .
  •  Eduardo DIaz  will draft a post - event Blog, in coordination with GSE. (repeated forward)
  •  Daniel Fink to confirm instructors and number of sessions
  •  Target audiences identified are: HETS for promotion to Spanish speaking universities (Eduardo to contact),Canada the government technologists group is,  In the US and Canada might be worth outreaching, (Glenn) and Academic communities in the US (Naela and Joe).
  •  Daniel Finkwill finalize registration form with inputs received.


  •   It was agreed that he course will be held in English only.
  •   Target audience: Implementers, developers, academic settings. 
  •   Daniel Finkwill coordinate with course instructors and UASG. Certificate will be issued by UASG.
  •   Daniel Finkwill work on course registration
  •  bill.jouris will draft the Agendas with At-Large staff for all coordination calls
  •  Naela Sarraswill invite Alexandra Dans to the next call.
  •   Regular coordination calls will be held according to the schedule (9-29, 10-06, 11-10, 12-08, 12-22, 01-12)
  •  Devan Reedwill send a calendar invite for the next coordination call Wednesday 15 September .  The Last coordination call in 2021 will be held on December 15.
  •  Silvia suggested to ask participants to take the ICANN learn UA course as pre-requisite. Group to consider it.
