This table illustrates the potential workload for developing written content for the revamped At-Large website. The pages highlighted in yellow have most of the written work to do.
Page Title | Type of Content Type | NumberApproximate Length |
HomepageGeneral | ContentHero Text | 1 |
Blurb | 4 | |
- 2 sentences that reiterate the mission of At-Large in a catchy manner | ||
"Get Started" Buttons | 1 short phrase that point newcomers to each must-read page | |
Section Introduction | 1 short phrase that introduces each section/row on the page; the sections include Policy Advice, Regional Activities, Outreach Activities, Capacity Building, Calendar, and Social Media | |
Topics | Page Introduction | 1 |
Taxonomy List | 6 | |
Calendar | Page Introduction | 1 |
Taxonomy List | 4 | |
Topics | Page Introduction | 1 |
Blurb | 16 | |
Topic Overview | General Content | 16 |
Relevant Resource | 16 | |
Policy Advice | Page Introduction | 1 |
Taxonomy List | 5 | |
Policy Advice Statement | Background Information | TBC |
Taxonomy List | 3 | |
What We Do | Page Introduction | 1 |
Blurb | 9 | |
General Content | 3 | |
Get Involved | Page Introduction | 1 |
General Content | 26 | |
Blurb | 26paragraph (3-4 sentences) that introduces visitors to the policy topics matter to end-users and important to At-Large | |
Section Introduction | 1-2 sentences that gives a helicopter view of each policy topic and prompts visitors to 'read more' | |
Topic Details | Topic Background | Several paragraphs that explains the policy topic in a beginner friendly manner, |
Example | 1-2 paragraphs with info-graphic that gives newcomers a concrete understanding about this policy topic | |
Topic History | Several paragraphs that delineates the evolvement of this policy topic over time and key milestones related to this topic | |
End-User Interest | Several paragraphs that describes | |
About | ICANN Structures & At-Large | 250-500 words |
Our Mission | 250-500 words | |
At-Large History | 250-500 words | |