Overarching activity:
2022-11-10 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next PST call the on 23 November at 18:00 UTC
- Alan Greenberg to create a new column C with a merger of columns B and D in the legend.
- Alan Greenberg to come up with a terminology alternative to "unimportant"
- All are to review the text in the Legend one more time to be able to remove the remaining red on next week's call.
- All should review column F in their tab of expertise (especially WS2)
- raymondselorm.mamattahto contact Cheryl Langdon-Orrfor mini-updates for capacity building to allow him to catch up.
- Heidi Ullrichto check with relevant org staff to invite them to a planned At-Large session at ICANN73.
- Devan Reed/ Claudia Ruizto schedule the next OFB-WG Small Group on Tuesday at 21:00 UTC.