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2011-06-24 - Internet Number Certification (RPKI) Program (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2010-08-05 - From the ASO – Ratification of Proposed Global Policy for Autonomous System Numbers (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
1999-05-27 - CRADA FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROOT SERVER SYSTEM (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2008-04-30 - Authorization of Creation of DS Key registry for Top Level Domain DNSSEC keys (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2009-02-03 - SSAC and RSSAC DNS Root Zone Stability Study (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2002-01-21 - Relationships with Root Nameserver Operators (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
2007-06-29 - Adoption of IANA Root Zone Procedures for Evaluating IDN Deployment (Transparency and Accountability Projects)