Labelled content
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1999-05-27 - PAYMENT RATIFICATION (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
1999-05-27 - FY 1999-2000 ICANN BUDGET (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
1999-05-27 - PROTOCOL SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
1999-05-27 - CRADA FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROOT SERVER SYSTEM (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
1999-05-27 - INDEPENDENT REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
1999-05-27 - AT-LARGE MEMBERSHIP STRUCTURE (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
1999-05-27 - WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION RECOMMENDATIONS (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
1999-05-27 - BYLAW CHANGES REGARDING GOVERNMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Transparency and Accountability Projects)
1999-05-27 - DOMAIN NAME SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION CONSTITUENCY RECOGNITION (Transparency and Accountability Projects)