CCWG-IG Teleconference - 2015.05.27 - AdobeChat
judith hellerstein:HI All
judith hellerstein:@renate Icann is still showing the time for Monday's session as being at 6:15pm and not 5:30pm
Bill Drake:yes Judith I saw that too
Renate De Wulf:@Judith, Nigel scheduled that session - so I can't see it in my EMS system
judith hellerstein:in the main icann schedule on the web it says 6:15pm
Renate De Wulf:the final schedule has not been finalized nor published
Renate De Wulf:it will be done next week#
nigel hickson:@Judith- will check; think 6.15pm
judith hellerstein:that is fine but all the agenda and other material keep listing it at 5:30pm
judith hellerstein:so if it is at 6:15pm than we should make the change on the agenda
Mary Uduma:Hello All
judith hellerstein:Hi Mary
Mary Uduma:Thank you Nigel
judith hellerstein:Have the facilitators been named?
Renate De Wulf:Hi Bill, I muted
Renate De Wulf:you
Bill Drake:what sound was I making?
Bill Drake:typing/
Renate De Wulf:background noise, not really typing
Renate De Wulf:echo
Bill Drake:huh
judith hellerstein:Thanks all
Bill Drake:I never quite understood the 'live example' phraseology
nigel hickson:@Mary - greetings
judith hellerstein:@nigel and @ariel greetings and look forward to seeing you both in BA
Bill Drake:just a question---why are we going through the presentation?
judith hellerstein:I think it is an effort to get contributions from this group
Mary Uduma:Any slide on what ICANN or IANA does?
Mary Uduma:Some in the hall may not have full idea of the work of ICANN
nigel hickson:@Mary - Tarek will cover this in introduction. thanks
Mary Uduma:Ok.
Bill Drake:drop that slide
judith hellerstein:or maybe add an additional slide before the Q&A slide
Mary Uduma:The slide on ICG at the begining of the presentation has the govt and should be emphasised during the presenstation.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Mary: point taken
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks
Bill Drake:Shall I resend the suggestions sent previously?
judith hellerstein:Yes that would be a good idea
judith hellerstein:@bill I think that is a good idea. I would also recommend having a couple of copies at the event or at least a page with the link on it so people could read it and then ask questions
Bill Drake:yes printed copies might help, although pretty much everyone will have a laptop
judith hellerstein:that is why i recommended a page with a link so people would have the link handy
Bill Drake:great, I think general is fine in this context, we get the same number of attendees irrespective
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The problem with printed documents is that there are either too many copies or not enough - and they are obsolete the moment they are printed. Everyone will indeed have a laptop
Bill Drake:you might have a few for the few folks who don't carry computers, like 10 GAC members...:-)
judith hellerstein:Also pages with the link on it so people could then plug that link into their laptop or ipad/tablet so they can read it online
Mary Uduma:+1 Judith
rafik:I am here
judith hellerstein:IGF USA will be on July 16
judith hellerstein:there will be remote participation for all the panels and breakout sessions
judith hellerstein:once i have the schedule I will send it out, but all sessions will be on
judith hellerstein:Thanks for this update. very helpful
Bill Drake:thanks Nigel
Bill Drake:hunky dory
judith hellerstein:sounds fine
judith hellerstein:that is great that we have some one taking notes
Bill Drake:bye