Motions 24 May 2018

Motions 24 May 2018

Consent Agenda

Approval of the appointment of Brian Beckham as an additional co-chair for the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs Policy Development Process Working Group, to join current co-chairs Phil Corwin and Kathy Kleiman, along with Council liaison Paul McGrady.

Adoption of Revised Charter for the GNSO Standing Selection Committee Following the SSC Charter Review Requested by the GNSO Council - DEFERRED from Council meeting in April 2018

Submitted by: Rafik Dammak

Seconded by: Heather Forrest


  1. On 15 March 2017, the GNSO Council adopted on an interim basis a Charter for the GNSO Standing Selection Committee, which is tasked to “1) where applicable, prepare and issue calls for applications related to the selection or nomination of candidates for ICANN structures such as ICANN review teams as well as structures related to the Empowered Community, 2) review and evaluate all relevant applicants/candidates, 3) rank candidates and make selection/appointment recommendations for review and approval by Council and 4) communicate selections to all interested parties.”
  2. The resolution adopting the Charter on an interim basis states, “Following the completion of two selection processes, the GNSO Council requests the SSC to report back to the GNSO Council with its assessment of whether the charter provides sufficient guidance and flexibility to carry out its work, and/or whether any modifications should be considered. Acknowledging that this is a work in progress, the GNSO Council will review this assessment as well as whether any modifications should be considered, as well as any inconsistencies that may need to be addressed as a result of the finalization of the work of the Bylaws Drafting Team.”
  3. Whereas, the SSC has successfully completed selections for the following: GNSO Representative on the Empowered Community Administration, replacement candidate for the Second Security and Stability Review Team (SSR2-RT) in 2017, candidates for the Third Review of ICANN Accountability and Transparency (ATRT3), GNSO Liaison to the GAC, and replacement candidate for the Second Security and Stability Review Team (SSR2-RT) in 2018.
  4. The SSC has completed a review of its Charter (see working document here) and proposed revisions to the Charter.
  5. The GNSO Council has reviewed these proposed changes and agreed that these revisions are appropriate, noting that the revised Charter states that the GNSO Council may initiate future Charter reviews at the request of the SSC or at the Council’s own discretion.


  1. The GNSO Council adopts the revised Charter of the SSC.
  2. The GNSO Council reconfirms Susan Kawaguchi as Chair and Maxim Alzoba as Vice-Chair of the SSC.
  3. The GNSO Council notes that the term of an SSC member, as defined in the revised Charter, is one year beginning and ending at the Annual General Meeting, with the possibility to renew for a second term. The GNSO Council considers the period between the adoption of the interim Charter on 15 March 2017 to the 2017 Annual General meeting to be a “ramp up” period for the SSC, with the first term of SSC members beginning at the 2017 Annual General Meeting.
  4. The GNSO Council requests that the SO/AC Support Team sends the updated Charter to the Stakeholder Groups/Constituencies and Nominating Committee appointees on the GNSO Council and reminds SG/Cs/NomCom appointees that they should reconfirm their SSC representatives within three weeks following the 2018 Annual General Meeting.
  5. The GNSO Council leadership team will confirm at its earliest convenience whether the GNSO Chair or one of the GNSO Council Vice-Chairs will serve as an ex-officio member of the SSC.
  6. The GNSO Council thanks the SSC for its review of the Charter and looks forward to continuing to work with the SSC on future selection processes.