Work Team C 26.10.10 Chat

Work Team C 26.10.10 Chat

WT C CHAT:  26 OCT 2010

Seth Greene: WT C CHAT:  26 OCT 2010

Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.  IT is adding a separate pod to each Improvements AC Room in which live links can be stored for easy access during meetings.  Until that happens, however, here are the links I expect to be needed in this meeting:

Seth Greene: WT C Workspace; WT C Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline; Complete Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline; 26 Oct 2010 meeting page; Strategic plan for WT C (Crepin-Leblond_26 Sep 2010).

Seth Greene: Let me try that again.

Seth Greene: WT C Workspace

Seth Greene: WT C WORKSPCACE:  https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109587853/At-Large+Improvements+Work+Team+C

Seth Greene: WT C SIMPLIFIED AT-LARGE IMPROVEMENTS OUTLINE:  https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhOqmBdY590QdG0yblZrajFUa2Z5SUVub1M0LWlWdHc&hl=en#gid=18

Seth Greene: COMPLETE SIMPLIFIED AT-LARGE IMPROVEMENTS OUTLINE:  https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhOqmBdY590QdExXZklQLVRZZUtncm1xSDZBVy1ROWc&authkey=CPSY6KIG&hl=en

Seth Greene: 26 OCT 2010 MEETING PAGE:  https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109587853/At-Large+Improvements+Work+Team+C+26.10.10

Seth Greene: STRATEGIC PLAN FOR WT C (CREPIN-LEBLOND – 26 SEP 2010):  https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/109587853/Strategic%20plan%20for%20WT%20C%20%28Crepin-Leblond_26%20Sep%202010%29.pdf

Dave kissoondoyal: hello all

Tijani BEN JEMAA: H5 dave

Tijani BEN JEMAA: H5 Sy3v5a

sylvia herlein: hi

Tijani BEN JEMAA: Sorry, my keybord

Tijani BEN JEMAA: Hi dave

Tijani BEN JEMAA: Hi Sylvia

Tijani BEN JEMAA: Long time!!!

Dave kissoondoyal: hi Tijani

sylvia herlein: haha

Gisella Gruber-White: Please remember to state your names when speaking for transcript purposes

Heidi Ullrich: David has informed me that the message to Cheryl should go out today or tomorrw.

sylvia herlein: sorry, Im not able to access

Dave kissoondoyal: i don't have either

sylvia herlein: is this the link: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109587853/At-Large+Improvements+Work+Team+C

sylvia herlein: it is not working for me

sylvia herlein: CLO is rigth

CLO: IF you give me edit to a pod here I can TRY and put the text from the SWOT  already done in here at least...

sylvia herlein: I´ve heard in ALAC teleconference, that kevin is not going to Cartagena. Is this true?

Heidi Ullrich: Cheryl, you've been given power to edit a pod. Which kind of pod would you like?

Heidi Ullrich: Sorry, I'll get those pods back shortly

Heidi Ullrich: Cheryl, you can edit Note 4

Gareth Shearman: That would be helpful, Cheryl

Dave kissoondoyal: I think we should focus on Rec 5 and Rec 6 while doing the exercise

Seth Greene: Call time: 60 minutes.

Dave kissoondoyal: We can have 4 quadrants on a confluence page which can be edited by all members of the WC and each member can add

Heidi Ullrich: Link to Olivier's SWOT message: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/109587853/Strategic%20plan%20for%20WT%20C%20%28Crepin-Leblond_26%20Sep%202010%29.pdf

Dave kissoondoyal: the SWOT

sylvia herlein: ok

sylvia herlein: no, tks

Gareth Shearman: no further comment

sylvia herlein: I nedd to know moro about that

Olivier Crépin-Leblond: ok Sylvia. No worries. :-)

sylvia herlein: but no comments by now

sylvia herlein: agree with CLO and Dave

Heidi Ullrich: Draft SWOT page on Confluence: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/Improve/At-Large+Improvements+WT+C+-+SWOT+Analysis

CLO: Whatever SWOTS  have  come in  we could integrate  to a qudrant  IF you are all happy to do so

Dave kissoondoyal: I have been disconnected

Dave kissoondoyal: reconnected now

sylvia herlein: hahah

sylvia herlein: tks, all. bye.bye

Seth Greene: Thank you, everyone, esp. a tired Cheryl.

Dave kissoondoyal: thanks a lot and bye

CLO: Bye

Olivier Crépin-Leblond: thank you all.