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Claudia Ruiz:Welcome to the NARALO Teleconference Call on Monday, 08 January 2018 at 20:00 UTC

  Mario Aleman:Draft agenda:

  Glenn McKnight:Hi

  Mario Aleman:Hello Glenn

  Glenn McKnight:Mario we need to find out how many people have used the  French channel.  Judith has said no one is using it

  Glenn McKnight:calling if on adigo to have a clear line

  Mario Aleman:Sure, we can do that

  Claudia Ruiz:Hello Gordon Chillcott, Welcome

  Claudia Ruiz:Hello Susannah Gray, Welcome

  Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Hi Claudio, thnaks

  Gordon Chillcott - Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group:Hello, Claudia.  Thank you.

  Glenn McKnight:Glenn , rep for  Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities

  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all

  Glenn McKnight:ALan G and Greg Shatan will not be attending

  Glenn McKnight:Hi Silvia

  Claudia Ruiz:Hello Ron da Silva

  Ron da Silva:hello all

  Glenn McKnight:Greetings  Ron, Gordon and Susannah, and Matt

  Glenn McKnight:Welcome everyone. 

  Glenn McKnight:Hi Silvia

  Glenn McKnight:Please type in your  ALS  affiliation

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:There is an update to the software, and I had to update reload

  Glenn McKnight:thanks all

  Glenn McKnight:Hi Leah

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:@eduardo update your ac software

  Glenn McKnight:Hi William

  Mark Buell:Hi, all.

  Glenn McKnight:Hi Mark

  William Michael Cunningham:Hello

  Mark Buell:Happy new year, Glenn.

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:Hello Mark!

  Mark Buell:Hey, Matt.

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):Happy New Year!

  Glenn McKnight:You too,  you are in the agenda

  Glenn McKnight:Hi Jon

  Glenn McKnight:Remember to add your  affilation for Mario's records

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):Hi y'all

  Silvia Vivanco:Happy New Year all!

  Glenn McKnight:Hi Javier

  Glenn McKnight:Javier i added you on the FBSC Draft in Google doc

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:@glenn @mario ALS affiliation is attached to my name in the list

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):I was gladly "voluntold" by Glenn

  Glenn McKnight:It was a good snow storm here in Southern Ontario today.  At least its not so cold

  Glenn McKnight:Wlecome Tom

  Glenn McKnight:You are funny Javier

  Tom Lowenhaupt:speaking?

  Yubelkys Montalvo:happy new year to all

  Glenn McKnight:Mario is speaking

  Glenn McKnight:Note  Greg Shatan sent his regrets too.   ISOC NY

  Glenn McKnight:Note  Alfredo Calderon regrets

  Glenn McKnight:Please add your name of organization or unaffilated status if you forgot

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):my organization is the Innovators Network Foundation

  Glenn McKnight:Note  the new  Outreach and Engagement Wiki page is created

  Glenn McKnight:

  Heidi Ullrich:Happy 2018, All!

  Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):agenda not scrolling on my end

  Heidi Ullrich:Sixty days to ICANN 61 in PR!

  Glenn McKnight:@Heidi   the O and E page above has the signup page  for the NARALO booth

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Glenn.

  Glenn McKnight:Item 004  SOI reminders to everyone to update

  Glenn McKnight:i think most people have done theirs

  Glenn McKnight:New  SOI can be posted here

  Glenn McKnight:

  Glenn McKnight:This is the FBSC  submissions

  Glenn McKnight:Judith is submitting one,  The  Indigenous Fellowship is now the GLOBAL

  Glenn McKnight:Folks  if you recall the Network Neutrality was a issue brought up by the community

  Glenn McKnight:It's not a ICANN issue but our community issue, especially the US citizens

  Glenn McKnight:@Heidi is that old hand?

  Glenn McKnight:Welcome  John, Joe and Yubelkys

  Glenn McKnight:Will the slides be available after the call?

  Mario Aleman:Sure, we can upload the slides, Glenn

  Glenn McKnight:Can everyone hear Mark?

  Glenn McKnight:he is low for me but it might be my phone

  Mario Aleman:I hear Mark

  Bill Jouris:It's not a complex *policy* issue.  It's just a complex *political* issue.

  Glenn McKnight:Welcome  Bill Jouris, Allan Skuce, Dustin and Eve

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):I'm not sure I entirely agree

  Eduardo Díaz - ALS:@Jonathan: You do not entirely agree with what?

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):not a complex *policy* issue

  William Michael Cunningham:Not sure this is an appropriate forum for this topic. Technically, hard to discuss on this tool. Also, would like more input on how this discussion is set up.

  William Michael Cunningham:Don't really agree with much of this discussion, but whatever. I would have invited an FCC Commissioner to discuss.

  William Michael Cunningham:This is not the crux of the matter, but whatever.

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):I think net neutrality (if that's what you mean) is entirely appropriate to discuss here, but as you say, not easy to discuss with this tool.

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:+1 @eve

  Glenn McKnight:Very interesting  session on  CBC Spark on the NN issue .   I have been posting from a Canadian perspective.  Perhaps  Mark can you address the impact on Canada of the  FCC repeal

  Glenn McKnight:thanks

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):Very interested in Canadian (and all) perspective(s)

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):<Comment> Me must all remeber that "network neutrality" -the idea that network pipes must be agnostic to what data flows throught them - has ALWAYS been an an INTERNET core principle.  Obama era NN rules simply made the policy legally binding in the US.  The idea is that Internet service should be like phone service: can a phone  company make your connection worse if it disapproves who you call? No, of course. And neither should your ISP.

  Glenn McKnight:Please mute your line if not speaking

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:+1 Javier, absolutely!

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):+1 @javier

  Bill Jouris:+1 Javier

  Glenn McKnight:correct

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):Which would be much clearer and more lasting

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:very glad we are not hearing from an FCC commissioner on this topic. Tend to be full of political speak which doesn't ever get down to the core of how it messes with the masses

  William Michael Cunningham:So your'e telling me that a technical stsyem designed to block and throttle certain names or numbers will have no impact on the organization charged with names and numbers. That may be the canadian perspective, but it is not realistic.

  Glenn McKnight:Good point.  Dr. Andrew Clement has done some good work on the  DIgital Sovereignty

  Glenn McKnight:All Canadian email goes through  the US sites and under the NSA rules

  Ron da Silva:would love to discuss this topic in better forum.. 

  Bill Jouris:William, perhaps the question is not "will it have an impact" but "is there anything that ICANN can effectively do about it?"

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:Impacts ICANN, but not yet its jurisdiction... Maybe it should be?

  William Michael Cunningham:Matthew - wrong. I dont; know if you have ever spoken with one. I appreciate your lack of faith in the policy makers responsible for this

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):No!

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:not a question

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):I disaggree with William.  This is a great forum to discuss and move on. But we better get to ICANN-remit relevance of NN!

  Glenn McKnight:Launch of IXmaps Internet Mapping tool enables Canadians to see exactly where their data travels online

  Glenn McKnight:

  William Michael Cunningham:Disagree with this discussion. Not really helpful, but thanks...

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Judith

  Glenn McKnight:also

  Glenn McKnight:

  William Michael Cunningham:Western governance organizations have never kept civil rights promises. Whose land are we on now? Ask the's not even a question.

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):and not just other countries. the FCC has a LOT of power under Title II that they are simply choosing not to exercise in the near term

  Judith hellerstein:was traveling to NYC and my train was delayed

  William Michael Cunningham:

  Ron da Silva:@zuck related is also not all operators have same tax or subsidie or right-of-ways or franchise rights/privileges - so title II linkage introduces other inequities

  Glenn McKnight:Welcome Judith

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):Yes @Ron. I'm most concerned about censorship at the moment and this absolutist view about traffic prioritization.

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:@William, as a Native, it is still our responsibility to be informed and work on the issues and try to hold the government accountable, not just lay down and let it happen because of the history of the behaviour

  Glenn McKnight:Please put your hand up if you have comments or questions

  Glenn McKnight:Please identify yourself

  William Michael Cunningham:Does anyone have a policy suggestion for ICANN with respect to this issue?

  Glenn McKnight:@William who are you addressing the questoin to?  Is it to Heidi?

  William Michael Cunningham:Glenn - the group.

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):yes

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):I mean yes I can hear him

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):i will put a cooment in chat soon

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):@zuck has given me more to think about, before I try to comment further

  William Michael Cunningham:I have a hard stop in 5 minutes. So, on the most important technical issue to come down the pike in the last 10 years, this group has nothing to say formally.

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):I am involved in other groups that take positions on this, outside of NARALO/ICANN

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:Do you @William? What are your suggestions?

  Glenn McKnight:I think most of us are active in Non ICANN groups that are proactive . ie. ISOC  etc

  William Michael Cunningham:

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):which is why congress should handle it

  William Michael Cunningham:Not really about me making ANOTHER helpful suggestion.

  William Michael Cunningham:Yes, but what if you are wrong?

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):And other factors will be involved: like the intervention of the big content companies in the lawsuit, and possibly technical developments - growth in local municipal networks, for one thing.

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):Comment: Obama-era “Net Neutrality” rules, are the legal obligations that forbid Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from blocking access to your websites of choice and which proscribe the speeding up of web contents and websites through premium, paid prioritization lanes or other means, in detriment of and/or throttling down other content.The Democrat led FCC, under Thomas Wheeler, enacted as regulatory norms these longstanding policies norms after placing the Internet under Title II of the Federal Communications Act, thus reclassifying it a “telecommunications service” subject to administrative oversight.Chairman Pai, is mild mannered and — in my view — a well-intentioned public official, that holds that the cable companies and other ISPs will self-regulate; an ideological belief in the invisible hand of competitive forces guiding markets towards loftier goals than pure profit and progressive consolidation.I think he is mistaken. Although some companies will behave, [cont..]

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:Native Americans are completely opposed to the removal of Netowrk Neutrality safeguards. We are still battling to get access. We'd like access to an unfiltered, unblocked resource... Not just some  slice of what some c coroporation sees as the

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:solution

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:+1 Javier

  Glenn McKnight:William has his hand up

  William Michael Cunningham:Hand up

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC): [….] experience shows that even under the relatively lax rules still in place, some like Comcast, Verizon and others turn out to be recidivist offenders.Voiding Title II Net Neutrality protections will allow money to progressively be the prime determiner of what information reaches you, and a tool for drowning out content of lesser economic means.The issue is important. The Internet is being cornered by large ISPs (so-called “Big Cable”); the startups of yesterday are giant, powerful multinationals today. And the rights of individual users, our ability to assert these rights in appropriate and accessible fora will soon disappear.No doubt that markets and technical innovation must continue to be the main drivers of Internet evolution, deployment and adoption. But no market can be truly free without regulatory boundaries.Examples abound: extreme deregulation prompted savings and loans failures, securities and bond fraud, sub-prime lending abuses, and the distorting effects of unlimited money {cont...}

  Yubelkys Montalvo:no

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):[...]of unlimited money in the electoral process, under guise of First Amendment liberty.Competition is good, it is essential, but no market is perfect. Market distortions require empowered and enlightened consumers, able to assert and enforce their rights.Although I think Net Neutrality ‘repeal and replace’ is  a fait accompli by the current FCC, I am certain the debate will not end.It will take a future Democratic administration in the White House and in the FCC to reverse the damage and restore our free and open Internet.

  Glenn McKnight:Can we take a poll 

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:Yes, let's vote

  Glenn McKnight:Mario can you post a poll

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):By when woudd we need to come up with a coherent statement?

  Ron da Silva:@Javier - Obama rule prohibited fast lanes even if they don't impact the "regular" best effort traffic lanes, subtle but very important difference

  judith hellerstein 2:i do not think a statement is needed

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):agreed @ron

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):Question: Has ISOC expressed agrrement or disagreemengt with AJIT PAI'S policies?

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):excuse typos

  Glenn McKnight:Please add your agreement with a  GREEN Check mark or  RED  X  if you disagree

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):@WMC, downloaded your FCC comment to read

  Bill Jouris:Glenn, exactly WHAT are you asking us to agree or disagree with?

  Glenn McKnight:William 's  request for a statement

  Ron da Silva:NARALO "could" make a statement.. but kind of hard to agree without first coming up with a statement..  so is teh question, "Should we work on a statement?"  or is the question, "Should we make a statement?"

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):is it a poll? or just type here?

  Yubelkys Montalvo:not sure

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):Maybe the question is not whether ICANN should comment a provincial administrative norm form one country.  Maybe NARALO should say something?

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):@wmc I see your point, but I don't think we'll  have concensus right now.

  Ron da Silva:please clarify the "question" ?

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):no (for now)

  Tom Lowenhaupt:But please qualify the vote.

  Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Eve, click on the hands up icon and a drop down menu will show the check marks

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):@Ron. I guess "working on one" is a defacto plan to share one. It's a philosophical issue, a political issue, an implementation issue, etc. etc.

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):ok thx done

  Ron da Silva:@zuck.. working on one is a task..  perhaps if in working on that task we can't come up with a consensus based statement then it becomes a "no"  ?

  Tom Lowenhaupt:What statement?

  John More:no place for my X I can see

  John More:probably because Dustin represents ISOC-DC😊

  Mark Buell:Thanks, everyone. If you have questions, you can reach me at

  judith hellerstein 2:HI John for the recordunder the hand raised icon you move it down further and see the agree/disagree

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):Comment: I dont think we should comment particular administrative action from one country.   But We can all agree that we support -that we must support- Network Neutrality.  If not, we should be kicked out from ICANN.

  judith hellerstein 2:Thanks mark for your presentation

  Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):+1 @javier

  Heidi Ullrich:Her request is being processed and should be announced shortly.

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):@Javier - of course but part of the task will be defining it

  judith hellerstein 2:@heidi confused about your chat

  Matthew Rantanen - Native Public Media:+1Javier

  Leah Symekher:It does not look like I will have time in this meeting to share NOMCOM updates so please visit the new NOMCOM 2018 website:

  Glenn McKnight:

  Yubelkys Montalvo:ok great

  Tom Lowenhaupt:On time . Thanks.

  Jonathan Zuck (Indie):Thank you!

  Yubelkys Montalvo:yes

  Heidi Ullrich:@All, reminder - FY19 Additional Budget Requests due on Friday, 12 January.

  Allan Skuce:happy new year everyone

  Yubelkys Montalvo:thanks

  Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):thanks all

  Allan Skuce:bye

  Yubelkys Montalvo:bye

  Javier rua Jovet (ALAC):bye

  Glenn McKnight:Mario  how many people used the french channel

  Glenn McKnight:bye all

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you ! Bye all have a nice day  !

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