gTLD Registry SG Buenos Aires 2015-06-23
Registries Stakeholder Group
ICANN 53, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Libertador C Room
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
0900 to 1700 Local Time
09:00 – 09:30 Open Meeting
- Introductions
- Review and approve agenda
- Briefing and discussion from 6/21/15 Contracted Party House Executive Committee session with ICANN staff
09:30 – 10:45 Engagement with ICANN Staff
- 2 Character Country Names at the Second Level
- GDD Scorecard – open issues/action (Yasmin Omer)
- ICANN Registry Fees going forward (Xavier Calvez and Chuck Gomes)
- Registry Agreement Amendment (Jon Nevett)
- GDD Industry Summit – results of survey and potential topics for agenda (Krista Papac)
- Studies/metrics to inform AOC Review of New gTLD Program (Karen Lentz)
- AOB?
10:45 Break
11:00 – 12:45 RySG Business (working luncheon)
- Review topics for discussion with ICANN Board
- GNSO Council Issues and Motions (Jonathan Robinson)
- GAC request for feedback, proposed implementation procedures (Donna Austin, Susan Payne, Kristina Rosette)
- Pending RySG comments (Paul Diaz)
- URS and Legacy TLDs
- RySG Evolution 3 Working Group update on Charter Amendments (Paul Diaz)
- Role of RySG Executive Committee going forward (Keith Drazek)
- Universal Acceptance Steering Group (USAG) (Don Hollander, Edmon Chung)
- GAC Public Safety Working Group (PSWG) (Bobby Flaim) (15 minutes)
- Interest Groups Updates
- NTAG (Samantha Demetriou)
- GeoTLD (Dirk Krischenowski/Peter Vergote)
- Community
- Brand Registry Group (Philip Sheppard)
13:00 – 14:00 Joint RySG/RrSG meeting (Libertador C)
- GNSO Review Report (with Westlake Consulting) (20 minutes)
- GNSO Council Issues and Motions
- Planning for GNSO Council Chair nominations
- Pending Public Comments for review and discussion as still pending/needed:
- RAA WHOIS Accuracy Program Specification Review (due 7/3/15)
- Privacy and Proxy Working Group Draft Report (due 7/7/15)
- URS in Legacy TLDs
- Review of Ry and Rr topics for discussion with ICANN Board
- AOB?
14:00 Adjourn for meeting with ICANN Board
14:15 – 15:15 RySG Session with ICANN Board (Libertador AB)
- Operational Issues (Data Breach, TMCH, etc.)
- Budgeting (Allocation of resources, cost-benefit analysis, forecasting, etc.)
- IANA Transition and ICANN Accountability (placeholder in case there are key issues to discuss)
15:30 – 16:45 RySG and Other Business (continued from morning session)
- ICANN Accountability and IANA Stewardship Transition
- IANA Stewardship Transition CWG (Donna Austin, Chuck Gomes)
i. Kim Davies, IANA SLAs and Delegation Process (15:30)
- ICANN Accountability CCWG (Keith Drazek, Becky Burr)
16:45 Wrap up and Adjourn
17:00 – 18:00 RySG Reception for Contracted Party House (Catalinas Room)