2023-01-31 EURALO Leadership Call
Various fundings:
Discussion on Discretionary Funding (2 submitted), CROP and ABRs (3 forwarded by At-Large)
EURALO Membership
FYI - 21 February call with European Chapter Leaders (Sebastien back on Leadership).
- Adam Peake to set up call with ISOC week 13 February - internal or with Sébastien - to have an update on members/new members
Sebastien sent members list sent to Chris Mondini with missing countries.
- Adam Peake Gisella Gruber to work on lists and identify initial countries to target
Update from Joanna on courses in Brussels: https://esdc.europa.eu/2023/01/24/6467/
- joanna.kulesza to share upcoming events with the EURALO Mailing list (members)
- RALO Leaders to discuss in Cancun at Coordination meeting on Cross RALO webinars/workshops/events for all RALOs to participate in, to avoid duplication
- Adam Peake Gisella Gruber to work on the ALS Map and share with Sébastien
Strategy Plan
- sebastien.bachollet to post FY23 Strategy plan on wiki page
Sébastien not yet able to focus on this