Summary Minutes 17 February 2009

Summary Minutes 17 February 2009

170209EURALO monthly teleconference

Participants: S Bachollet, A Peake, W Ludwig, Bill Drake

Staff: M Langenegger, H Ullrich

Apologizes: A Danciu, Manolea Bogdan

W Ludwig reminded to answer A Peake that the EURALO quorum was set by the bylaws for the GA and for rotation procedures but not for any ordinary EURALO business. For the ordinary meetings, any decision susceptible to raise objections is put to the discussion lists for comments and if there are no objections, the decision is adopted after a week.

W Ludwig was elected as Chair for the meeting.

The 20 January 2009 summary minutes were adopted.

Action items of 20 January 2009 have been accomplished

1.Staff Announcements

a. ALAC Review WG draft Final Report (see: http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#alac-review)

Members were asked to read the review. W Ludwig mentioned he had some comments on it but would reserve them for the face to face Mexico meeting.

b. GNSO Constituency Renewals 2009 (see: http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#gnso-constituency-renewals

Bill Drake is a member of the GNSO. It was decided to keep the open questions on that issue for Mexico. S Bachollet commented that this confirmation renewal was not the main interest for ALAC but the reorganization itself and the new consistencies of the GNSO that will result.

2.Update on At-Large Summit

The Poster session is very important and all ALS should try to participate in that event. S Bachollet deplored the fact that a number of African ALS could not join the summit because of late travel arrangements. Last updates on the summit are on the summit workspace.

Link to a micro site on the summit at: http://www.atlarge.icann.org/summit-en.htmation on the summit’

3.Discuss on-site coordination of EURALO Summit Participant

List of the EURALO participants at the summit and their respective assignments:


Theo Bondolfi, Stefan Hügel and Andres Oliva won’t be able to attend the Mexico summit. Theo Bondolfi missed the travel confirmation deadline.

There are 16 EURALO ALS in total that will participate at the summit and the quorum will be reached at the GA. WG1 has only one EURALO member. The representation of EURALO in the other WG is achieved.

S Bachollet is Chair of WG2 and W Kleinwächter is chairing WG4. The Chair noted that the majority of the EURALO participants are in WG4 and WG3 (R Vansnick is the co-chair).

R Vansnick said he had sent details about the thematic session he was entrusted with to staff and did not see his text on the space dedicated to its specification.

AI M Langenegger will see with R Vansnick for the thematic specification mail.

W Ludwig gave some more information about the Poster session.

S Bachollet asked for confirmation of the time for the next wg4 teleconference.

4.General Assembly - review of content

The possibility for a better involvement of the ALS has been a standing issue within ICANN and hopefully, will be thoroughly discussed in Mexico. It is part of item ‘6’ and ‘7’ of the EURALO GA. A Peake argued that outreach was part of the summit agenda as one of the themes of the WGs. W Ludwig said that EURALO compared to other RALOs was rather efficient and participative. Board members must also be more active and not only the ALS.

There were few reactions from the board members so far on the draft agenda.

5.Adoption of the Board Report 2008-2009 for the GA

Both the Draft Agenda for EURALO GA Mexico and the Draft of Board Report for the period between Paris and Mexico were posted on the Board list.

In the Draft Board Report, some sections mention Board members and brackets are put after the names: people can add there information about teleconferences they have attended or EURALO or ICANN related activities to which they have taken part**

6.Recent Activities of ALAC (Sebastien)

S Bachollet gave a short review on ALAC activity on the Summit preparation, the Alac review report and the GNSO evolution. ALAC is finalizing a declaration on the GNSO evolution for the ICANN Board and is busy with other issues that will be included in the summit, such as the PSC report (wg1 and wg2). Alac is waiting for the new guidebook proposal on new gTLDs. There is concern that the working documents for the summit will be published to late and the summit process may consequently be disrupted. ALAC Ex-Com will try to pre-empt the risk by raising the question to ICANN.