03 March 2009 GA Summary Minutes

03 March 2009 GA Summary Minutes

EURALO Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 3 March 2009, Mexico Ciudad

Sébastien (ISOC France), Rudi (ISOC Belgium), Dessi (ISOC Bulgaria), Heike (Terre des Femmes), Tommi (ISOC Finland), Wolfgang (Medienstadt Leipzig), Lutz (FITUG), Wolf (Comunica-CH), Patrick (ISOC Luxembourg), Max (LDUN), Annette (network new media), Bogdan (APTI Romania), Vittorio (ISOC Italy), Adam (ALAC)

Bill Drake

It has been stated that those people present (including visitors) who do not have voting rights can take part in the discussion and make motions too.

Annette has been appointed to write the minutes.

1. A. Approval of the GA agenda - approved
2. B. Approval of the GA minutes – approved

We were informed that after the meeting, there will be a video message for the closing of the summit in which some participants of the EURALO should take part.

3. Board Report of Activities:
Some Highlights:

  • First European Dialogue on Internet Governance – its organization many EURALO members took part.
  • First regional Dialogue on Internet Governance in Germany (exchange of informations and experiences might be useful for other countries activities)
  • ICANN Studienkreis in Helsinki
  • Meißen: Summerschool on Internet Governance - including outreach activities for At-Large (with a fellowship programme)
  • Meeting in Athens ENISA, discussing DNS
  • Coopeation with East-African IGF


  • There will be a second EuroDIG in September 2009 in Geneva (opportunity for outreach activities), updates and information how to participate will be posted on EURALO list
  • There will be an ICANN Studienkreis in Barcelona 15/16 October 2009. One morning is a room free for a possible EURALO meeting)

In a whole there has been considerable improvement of coordination, communication, organization of different EURLAO meetings. EURALO became a group and overcame the former difficulties of the year before. Special thanks to Wolf, who strongly helped the EURALO making work.
We are pleased that we got political position papers done. But there are still problems to organize fast reaction to ICANN/ALAC deadlines in time.

In Board report point 2. The question marks will be taken out – reference is given to the today´s oral report.

The Board report has been unanimously accepted.

4. At-Large Users Summit
European Region was very much involved in setting up the summit and in organizing of the program. Special thanks were given to Sébastien and Wolf; it has also been stressed that the summit has been a joint activity by all the participants.

Working groups and panels were very engaging, and discussions were held at a high level.

Special thanks were expressed to staff and especially to Heidi, who worked with enthusiasm on supporting the user`s summit. We are sorry that Nick cannot be here today, as he has been sick, we wish him all the very best.


  • Recognition of the ALSes’ efforts, to work within a the difficult At-Large RALO structure.
  • And it is good that staff also acknowledged it, sharing a lot of time with us.
  • By new ALS members, expectation that ALAC has a good standing in the ICANN structure, it has been realized that it needs more strengthening.
  • Directly meeting different ALSes, networking was very positive
  • The first session was a little too top down (introduction Saturday morning like lecture hall) and staff did not focus on internet users issues. In future meetings, staff and board should focus on internet users issues – this also helps activating internet users to take part in the At-Large work.
  • Request for a motion to repeat the summit – there should be continuation of the summit
  • Panels and working groups were great and engaging
  • The get together of all ALSes/RALOs should have taken place at the beginning and not at the end of the summit
  • Strong appreciation that we will have a final declaration
  • Being able to participate face to face with other ALS members was very useful – also for future (online) work. It will allow a better outcome for all ALSes
  • The preparation work by ALSes and staff was very important
  • A real hassle though, was that the staff rescheduled workshops at short notice, some even without noticing the moderator/speakers of a panel
  • It was extremely hard to offer workshops and coordinate with staff on this matter
  • Also criticism that ALSes could have done more in preparing the summit
  • Criticism that background papers have not been translated
  • For whole editing of final document a working computer with a printer should be available and should be supported by staff
  • Huge step in the right direction after we went so far backwards after the year 2000. Continuation of this should be organized, as a general summit every 3 years or so, but in between there could be regional user meetings connected to an ICANN meeting.
  • Summit helped restoring the belief that the whole At-Large structure could make sense
  • In preparing the summit (we would not have needed a second survey, but rather focus on setting up workshops in time and do not put so much pressure on speakers who got the confirmation of their workshop just a few days before the summit.

Statement: We need to explore how to make another ALAC summit like the one in Mexico possible. These face-to-face meetings are extremely useful and essential in building the relationships and trust to start meaningfull (online) work.
EURALO supports a continuation of internet users interest focused summits. We need more information in more digestable formats for ALSes.
But it also needs a well organized information flow from the ALSes to the internet users also explaining how they can get involved – in a transparent and accountable way.


Welcome of Markus Kummer, excecutive secretary of the IGF, at the EURALO Meeting!
IGF a multistakeholder platform on equal footing. The model of a multistakeholder dialogue is very successfull. EuroDIG is one important initiative for the IGF. Markus gives an overview on IGF issues. General discussion.
Deadline 15th of April for IGF workshop proposals!

5. Briefing on ICANN´s Contractual Compliance Program by David A. Giza (see power point presentation)

Criticism, that speech has not been addressed to the audience, budget increase of 30% is outrageous. Talking about euralo taking part in a meeting on contractual compliance program, you must make sure, that they will get the money for travel and stay and will be able to have a EURALO meeting. Talking about the use of the word “ICANN”, ICANN is not staff, but the community. We have to clarify who is serving whom and staff grows and grows and grows…
We are very thankfull that you offer more transparency. One important issue for us is the staff activities in the “last mile” of decision making processes.

How do you study the compliance issue in relation to national legislation? What about, instead of hiring an American law firm to hire a German or British or… law firm?
David welcomes EURALO to get in touch with him on different issues of interest.
Accuracy has never been such an important issue – There is an implicit deal between ICANN and the European Internet community that ICANN will not be serious on Whois accuracy compliance with European registrants because the current Whois policies do not comply with European privacy laws. Be careful that if you start to apply compliance on Whois seriously, there will be a major political uproar in Europe.

6. Postponed

7. EURALO Work Programme
Strong critizism of ICANN´s non transparent budget allocation policies and balancing procedures.

Drafts are approved with two additions (in point 2 and an extra point 4, which has been written down by Wolf)


ALAC chair came in and was welcomed: Public comment period – on At-Large Summit
ALAC gives advice to the Board – inputs by ALSes are needed

They handed in the “proposed Framework for FY10 Operating Plan and Budget Fiscal Year Ending 30 June 2010
It could be put under item 9. Global Engagement and Increased International Participation

Huge problem with the travel support for 2 ALAC members, whose support may disappear.

Travel costs for all AlAC members have to be guaranteed.
In the Operational Plan ALAC is not integrated at all – which is showing that the whole Board attendance at the user summit is just a lip service!
Wolfgang, Lutz and Vittorio will finalize a statement which can be integrated in the final statement by the users´ summit.

9 seats, one has been vacant since Paris.

Wolf got unanimously supported as chair.
Vittorio, Lutz, Olivier and Dessi were unanimously nominated for the Board.

We have two candidates for secretary: Dessi, if she agrees to (in the next two days), if not we all agree that we will have Rudi as secretary.

A EURALO secretariat should be established with a small budget.

9. Postponed

10. Postponed (not necessary now)

11. No further comments

12. The meeting adjourned.