Nominations 2007
1 - 14 April
Nominations accepted on for:
- At least five seats on the Board of the EURALO – 3 for one year (ending at the EURALO AGM in 2008, and 2 for two years – ending at the EURALO AGM in 2009.
- One At-Large Advisory Committee seat for a term lasting from the date of the election until the ICANN AGM in 2008
- One At-Large Advisory Committee seat for a term from the date of the election until the ICANN AGM in 2009
Nominations may be self nominations, or nominations of others.
It is acceptable for an nomination to be an expression of willingness to serve in one or more capacities, and to note a preference with respect to one position or another, if that is desirable.
Where a nomination of others is made, the person nominated must accept the nomination on or before the 14th April.
All nominations must be seconded to be carried forward.
An ALS representative may choose to nominate for all the available positions, or only some of them.
All nominations to be posted on a wiki page by the Staff, the page being publicly accessible. The seconding of nominations will be noted.
Each ALS to provide, by email to the euro-discuss list, the name of the authorised representative to vote in the election on behalf of that organisation. The Staff will keep the list current.
15 – 22 April
Discussion of Nominations and of the number of EURALO Board seats on the euro-discuss list. ALSes are free to discuss on the ALS list as well, especially with respect to nominations of persons not a member of an existing ALS, if there are any such nominations.
23 – 29 April
One or more teleconferences to be held at a convenient time for the majority of ALSes at some point during this period, arranged by the Staff, for the purpose of discussing nominations with a view to attempting to reach a consensus, to the extent possible, on as many of the open positions as possible, and on the number of Board members. The teleconferences may agree to postpone the following phase by a maximum of two weeks if participants feel the need for more time to reach consensus.
1 – 5 May
For those positions which could not be filled by consensus, an electronic vote shall be held. For this vote, for what regards the remaining open positions, separately for the EURALO Board and for the ALAC members, each ALS will rank all the candidates (no one excluded) in an order of preference, from the most liked candidate (1) to the least liked one. Then the ranking of each candidate will be added up, and the candidates with less total points (compatibly with eligibility and diversity requirements) will be elected. Among the elected candidates, the ones with less total points will get the longer terms.
One person from outside the European region, selected by the ALAC, will act, alongside the staff, as verifier of the vote results, and the Staff will ensure that they have the requisite level of access to the voting system to do so.
Voting shall operate as provided in the version of the EURALO bylaws as agreed on 24th March 2007 at the Lisbon meeting.