Documents 30 January 2018
Item 2. Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 mins)
Projects List:
Action Items List:
Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE – Adoption of the Revised GNSO Operating Procedures and ICANN Bylaws (15 minutes)
New ICANN Bylaws which became effective upon the expiration the IANA Functions Contract between ICANN and NTIA (adopted by the ICANN Board 27 May 2016):
GNSO Council resolution to create of a Drafting Team to further develop recommendations to implement the GNSO's new roles and obligations under the revised ICANN Bylaws (29 June 2016):
Final Report of the GNSO Bylaws Implementation Drafting Team (12 October 2016):
GNSO Council resolution accepting the Report from the GNSO Bylaws Implementation Drafting Team and next steps (1 December 2016):
Public comment on proposed changes to the GNSO Operating Procedures and ICANN Bylaws to implement the DT recommendations (published 19 June 2017):
Staff report on public comment (10 August 2017 ):
Motion on the adoption of Revised GNSO Operating Procedures and Proposed Modifications of the ICANN Bylaws consistent with the recommendations of the Bylaws Drafting Team:
Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE – Adoption of the Charter related to the next steps for the ICANN Procedure of Handling WHOIS conflicts with Privacy Law (15 minutes)
Revised WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law Procedure (18 April 2017):
Revised ICANN Procedure for Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law: Assessment and Next Steps (3 May 2017):
Public comment on Revised ICANN Procedure for Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law: Assessment and Next Steps (closed 28 July 2017):
Staff report of public comment (28 July 2017):
Letter from Akram Atallah to the GNSO Council providing a collection of possible options for proceeding with the review, and offering to discuss those options or others identified by Council (1 August 2017):
Draft Charter: ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law Implementation Advisory Group (WHOIS Procedure IAG) (23 January 2018):
Motion on the adoption of the charter for the ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law Implementation Advisory Group (WHOIS Procedure IAG):
Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Update on potential FY19 GNSO Additional Budget Requests (15 minutes)
Announcement regarding ICANN's Launch of the FY19 SO/AC Additional Requests Budget Process (5 December 2017):
Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – GNSO Council Public Comment to the Proposed Incremental Changes to the ICANN Meetings Strategy (10 minutes)
ICANN Board resolution to establish the Multi-Stakeholder Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG) (2 February 2013):
Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG) Report and Recommendations (25 February 2014):
Meeting with community leaders and ICANN staff possible changes to ICANN meetings and the venue selection process (17 August 2017):
Proposed Incremental Changes to the ICANN Meetings Strategy, published for public comment (14 December 2017):
Draft GNSO Council comments on Proposed Incremental Changes to the ICANN Meetings Strategy (20 January 2018):
Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – GNSO Council Public Comment to the Operating Standards for ICANN’s Specific Reviews (10 minutes)
Bylaws for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which requires four specific reviews: Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review, the Security, Stability, and Resiliency of the DNS Review, the Accountability and Transparency Review, and the Registration Directory Service Review:
Section 4.6 of the Bylaws, which calls for Operating Standard for these Specific Reviews:
Draft Operating Standards for Specific Reviews (17 October 2017):
Public comment on Draft Operating Standards for Specific Reviews (closes 2 February 2018):
Draft comments from the GNSO Council on Operating Standards for Specific Reviews (19 January 2018):
Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Review of Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2-RT) Letter from GNSO Council to SO/AC leadership (10 minutes)
Wiki page of the SSR2-RT:
Draft letter from the GNSO Council to SO/AC leaders regarding SSR2 (18 January 2018):