2024-03-28 | SubPro IRT | Meeting #34a

2024-03-28 | SubPro IRT | Meeting #34a

The meeting was held on 28 March 2024 at 18:00 UTC for 60 minutes (local time).


  1. Welcome & SOI Update
  2. IRT Information & Status
  3. Ongoing Public Comment Proceedings 
  4. Topic 20 | Application Change Requests (cont’d)
    1. Updated Language
    2. Discussion
  5. Topic 3 | Applications Assessed in Rounds (cont’d)
    1. Updated Language
    2. Discussion
  6. Topic 23 | Closed Generics
    1. Proposed Language
    2. Discussion
  7. Upcoming IRT Meetings
  8. AOB




  1. Members to:
    1. Update/create SOIs
    2. Inform org if they wish to participate in ASP, RSP or RST sub-tracks
  2. Org to:
    1. Verify Conflicts of Interest policy for RSP program
    2. Update and circulate
      1. The Quick Look Mechanism language
      2. The Objections flowchart
      3. The Application Queuing language
      4. Th Application Change Requests language
      5. The IDNs language
      6. The Applications Assessed in Rounds language
      7. The Closed Generics language