2024-01-23 | SubPro IRT | Meeting #25

2024-01-23 | SubPro IRT | Meeting #25

The meeting was held on 23 January 2024 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes (local time).


  1. Welcome + SOI Update
  2. IRT Information & Status
  3. Topic 24 | String Similarity Evaluations
    1. Updated Language
    2. Discussion
  4. Root Zone Label Generation Rules
    1. Proposed Language
    2. Discussion
  5. Public Comment
  6. Upcoming IRT Meetings
  7. AOB




  1. Members to:
    1. Update/create SOIs
    2. Inform org if they wish to participate in ASP, RSP or RST sub-tracks
  2. Representatives to:
    1. Reach out to their SO/ACs and SG/Cs re: the upcoming Public Comment
  3. Org to:
    1. Seek clarity on the course of action in case of deviations from Implementation Guidance
    2. Send invites for the upcoming meetings
    3. Verify Conflicts of Interest policy for RSP program
    4. Draft and circulate a rationale re: the implementation of Implementation Guidance 25.3
    5. Update and circulate
      1. The Application Comment language
      2. The GAC Advice and Early Warnings language