Agenda 4 September 2008
Agenda 4 September 2008
- Item 0: Roll call of Council members
- Item 1: Update any statements of interest
- Item 2: Review/amend agenda
- Added 2 new business items: trans-silo mtg and motion for issues report
- added DoC letter and AGP status reports
- Item 3: Approve GNSO Council minutes of 7 August 2008 (Items 0-3 10 mins )http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg05356.html* Item 4: Status Update (15 mins)4.1 ICANN BoardHold Issue of GNSO Restructuring for Item 94.2 Fast Flux PDP WG
4.3 Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part A PDP
4.4 New GTLDs
4.5 Fast Track
4.6 DoC Letter to ICANN
4.7 AGP* Item 5: Discussion/Decision IRTP Denial Definitions (15)Proposed motion see: 04 sept 2008 motions* Item 6: Discussion on RAA Amendments (15)http://forum.icann.org/lists/raa-consultation/msg00061.html* Item 7: Whois Hypotheses Study Group (15)http://gnso.icann.org/issues/whois/whois-study-hypothesis-group-report-to-council-26aug08.pdf
Proposed motion see: 04 sept 2008 motions* Item 8: Discussion on GNSO Response concerning Geo Regions (15)ICANN Geographic Regions
Proposed motion see: 04 sept 2008 motions* Item 9: Discussion/Decision GNSO Restructuring and Plan (15)
- Item 10: Discussion with Patrick Sharry about ALAC review (15)http://www.icann.org/en/reviews/alac/alac-independent-review-final-25jul08-en.pdf* Item 11: Travel Policy (15)
- Confirm List of Cairo travellers and expenditure form DNSO/GNSO budget: 04 sept 2008 motions
- Next Steps
- Item 12: Other Business* Proposal for Trans-Silo Joint meeting (ccNSO, GNSO, GAC, ALAC) on Monday 3 Nov and Thursday 6 NovProposed Topics:
* Issues at the cross-section of implementation of New gTLD (LDH & IDN), and Fast Track IDNccTLDs
* ICANN Transition and the PSC* Motion on request for issues report on Registration abuse.
original draft agenda - Roll, SOI, Agenda changes (10)
- approve minutes
- Status (15) * Board * Whois * Fast Flux * IRT Part A * New GTLDs * Fast Track
- Discussion/Decision IRT Denial Definitions (15)
- Discussion on RAA Ammendments (15)
- Discussion on GNSO Repsonse concerning Geo Regions (15)
- Discussion/Decision GNSO Restructuring and Plan (15)
- Discussion with Patrick Sharry about ALAC review (15)
- Travel Policy (15) * Confirm List of Cairo travellers * Next Steps
- Other Business