Meeting Notes 4 May 2007

Meeting Notes 4 May 2007

Present: Vittorio, Rudi, Nick, Dessi, Wolfgang, Patrick, Sebastian,

Notes taken by: S Sandford-Smith

The participants decided the following with respect to the status of decisions made on this call:

The decisions would be given out to the list, and characterised as 'strongly recommended', with the understanding that if there were no objections from the list to the proposals made on this telephone conference the proposals would be considered accepted.
If there are any objections raised, then the point in question would be open for discussion.

It was agreed that a recommendation would be sent to the list that a board of 7 members. If there is an objection from the list then part of the vote conducted will be to vote on whether the board will have 5, 7, or 9 members.

Staff will send an email to Veronica to ask if she still wants to be a candidate.

Assuming that Veronica does still want to be a candidate Nick will send an email to Sue Jonklaas, ICANN Legal Advisor, to ask her:

  • Since the nominations closed on 20th April and the nominee was not a member of an ALS but joined an ALS shortly afterwards, is her candidature legal.
  • Is it relevant that the ALS that the candidate joined was a German ALS understaning that the NOMCOM have appointed a German national (Annette). Does it matter that they are members of an ALS of the same country if they are nationals of a different country.

Nick will request that legal responds urgently

If Veronica does want to remain a candidate and her candidature is legal there will be 3 candidates and a vote will be necessary.

It was agreed that the deadline for nominations was not in fact completely clear and candidates should therefore not be discounted on that basis.

It was decided that nominations are now closed.

Staff will send out a list of ALSEs that have signed the MoU with a list of names he believes to be the people that will vote on behalf of those ALSes. The list will be presumed correct unless an ALS representative sends a correction.

Staff will also send out a list of ALSes that have not yet signed the MoU asking them to send in their signature/email in order to be eligible to vote. All recognised structures will be given 2 days to respond.

The vote will begin at noon on Friday 11th May and will close at noon on Wednesday 16th May. The vote will be a ranked vote as agreed in Lisbon and staff will find out the easiest way to do this.

It was agreed that the ALAC candidates would also be put forward as candidates for the board. Nick will email round a list of candidates asking that they all confirm that they still want to be part of the pool of candidates.

Dessi Pefeva thanked Vittorio for nominating her but declined the nomination as she feels she does not yet have enough expericence.

List of candidates:

for the two ALAC seats

Patrick Vande Walle
Sebastien Bachollet
Veronica Cretu

For the EURALO Board

Rudi Vansnick
Vittorio Bertola
Christoph Bruch
Desiree Miloshevic
Bill Drake
Jeanette Hofmann
Karen Banks
Wolf Ludwig
Paco de Qinto
Patrick Vande Walle
Sebastien Bachollet
Veronica Cretu