New gTLD Review Group 2012.07.26 Summary Minutes
Summary Notes and Action Items
Thursday 26 July 2012
1. Introduction and reivew of the agenda - Dev Anand Teelucksingh
The agenda was adopted.
2. Roll Call - provided by staff
3. Review/Update of RG SOIs - Dev Anand Teelucksingh
DAT: Noted that Rudi Vansnick had a COI and resigned fromt the RG. Yrjo Lanispuro was approved by the ALAC as his replacement. Kenny Huang also had a COI for one applicant (Chinese company) and will excuse himself in any discussions of that applicant. Also, Dave Kissoondoyal no longer has a COI as he resigned from the PIR Board.
4. Review of emails/comments received by the RG
DAT: Received an email from InternetNZ - filed under Community grounds. The applicant was for Amazon EU.
DAT was not sure of the category "other" category. He read the relevant text from the ICANN New gTLD comment website:
"Other Comments - Comments not intended to be directed to an evaluation panel or objection ground can be made under the "Other" category. Please note that comments directed to this category will not be summarized, analyzed, or sent to the evaluation panels, and will play no part in the evaluation process of an application. They will be available for public viewing in the View Comments section of this Forum."
DAT will follow up with the ALAC on this point. However, as we are reaching the deadline for comments, I'm not sure of the value of this category.
DAT: Comments have a limit of 3,500 characters. So we need to discuss how to rewrite the comment to fit that size limitation.
DAT: Regarding the NZInternet comment, would anyone like to try to editing it down to 3,500 characters.
DAT: So given that their is a comment limit of 3,500 characters. Given that the NZInternet comment is significantly larger than that, I'd like to have a volunteer to summarize this comment. Once this comment is drafted, it will be sent to the ALAC for review and to decide if it will be put into the objection process.
DAT: Asked that Eduardo and Yrjo work to edit the NZInternet comment to 3,500 characters.
ED: Agreed.
YL: Certainly willing to help.
Adela Danciu: is it 3.500 with or without spaces?
DAT: With spaces I believe.
HU: IT indicated that spaces count as a character.
Eduardo Diaz: By when is this needed?
DAT: The timing is that it had to be completed by the 2nd or 3rd of August.
Eduardo Diaz: Ok. I will put something together during the weekend.
DAT - Many thanks. Feel free to collaborate on-line.
5. Developing a one page summary of the ALAC/At-Large Objection Process
HU - Provided an update on the plans for a one-pager for the ALAC/GAC objection process. Is timing of a deadline by the Toronto ok?
DAT: It would also be useful for At-Large. I think we can certainly start this very soon. I will post the text to a wiki for review by the RG.
6. Any other business, Next Steps - Dev Anand Teelucksingh
DAT: To take .NZInternet comment and reduce it to 3,500. Review it next week. Even though the comment period is ending, we may still receive objections.
DAT: In terms of the next meeting, perhaps a monthly call. I don't think there is a need to meet before the end of the comment period.
ED: Is there a wiki where the schedule of this process is posted?
DAT: Yes, the link is
Between 26 August and 2 August is the RG's time to look at comments.
And then the ALAC will need to review them.
Next call, we may look at altering the time.
Alexander Kondaurov: Can be some ideas discussed in mailing list?
DAT: Certainly.
Alexander Kondaurov: I guess it will be more clear with picture...
Meeting adjourned.