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Tracker | Attendance records, apologies, action items: see tracker |
Agenda | - Welcome
- Administrative matters
- Welcome to the new leadership team
- Looking back at ICANN74
- ccTLD News Sessions
- Overall ICANN74
- ccNSO members meeting sessions at ICANN74
- Next steps
- Review results satisfaction survey and prepare feedback-on-feedback
- ICANN75 ccTLD News Session: topic & timing
- Overall planning sessions ICANN75
- Review MPC charter
- Next meeting
Documents, Notes | - Agenda
- The high-level notes are designed to help the MPC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. Consult the notes here.
- Review results ICANN74 satisfaction survey (closes 10 July, COB)
See announcement ccNSO website and mailing lists, posted earliest on 16 June. Preliminary results: - Prepare feedback-on-feedback. Please add proposed content to the template here: The F-o-F should be finalised latest at our mid-July meeting
For reference, the Feedback-on-feedback from previous meetings can be found here: Go to the “reports” section for each individual meeting. |
Recordings | |
Disclaimers | |