CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.01.15 - AdobeChat
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLD):sorry to be late, and hello
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLD):ok with me - I don't have a microphone yet!
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLD):no as in literally
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLD):physically!
Renate De Wulf:Jordan, do you wish Adigo to dial you into the call?
Renate De Wulf:if so, please give me a number
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLD):can't sorry - it will cost NZd0.8 per minute
Renate De Wulf:Jordan, there are toll free numbers in New Zealand if you go to
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):im in london
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):i dont have a number here tho
Renate De Wulf:toll free for UK
Renate De Wulf:United Kingdom0800 032 6646United Kingdom0800 056 9431
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):i cant dial out or get in
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):as only have a NZ mobile where I am
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):anyhow it's fine
Lynn St.Amour:Do we have presenters/speakers committed?
nigel hickson:WEF is end of next week; 22-24 JAN
Lynn St.Amour:agree re managing number of presenters
nigel hickson:re NMI; we touched on Wolfgange Kleinwacheter as he has role re Cooridnating committee
Ergys Ramaj:Wolfgang is the Special Ambassador to the Initiative, effectively serving as the spokesperson.
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):I missed part of your question
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):I would think a slight emphasis on relationship, too
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):NMI is a little slower than expected
Lynn St.Amour:I am fine with your and Jordan's timing
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):whereas ICANN needs to face IG challenges in a better-coordinated way, and that's always present
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):40/60 +1
Lynn St.Amour:fine with me... you are all making good points.. :-)
nigel hickson:@Olivier; we would be there; perhaps Sally C
Alex Dans:Maybe Robin Gross from the community (he suggested the topic in the last call if I'm not mistaken)
Alex Dans:Yes!
Renate De Wulf:I will add in two seconds
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):can these be listed in the action items window?
Lynn St.Amour:I am just listening carefully
Lynn St.Amour:thank you Olivier
Lynn St.Amour:Good idea re forward planning
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):there probably will be several IANA sessions if we are talking about BA, because of course we will be signing off the transition proposal, right? ;-)
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):if SG, a little less pressure hopefully
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):I agree with Charter too
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):we should be as open as sensibly we can
Lynn St.Amour:Thank you Olivier and Jordan, and of course ICANN staff
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):No other business from me
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):and thank you for chairing Olivier
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs)::)
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):I will have sound next time!
Lynn St.Amour:agree re rotation
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):it should be OK with me
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):I will be in Thailand, so thats about 1600 thai
Jordan Carter (.nz, ccTLDs):ciao all!
Alex Dans:Gracias!
Lynn St.Amour:thanks and bye