Summary Minutes 23 September 2009

Summary Minutes 23 September 2009

1. Participants: W. Ludwig, D. Greve, A. Peake, S. Bachollet, O. Crepin-Leblond, B. Drake, L. Donnerhacke, V. Bertola, A. Danciu

Staff:H. Ullrich

Apologies(tongue). Vande Walle, A. Muehlberg,

2. Review of the Summary minutes from 18/08/09
Summary minutes approved. Note to check and correct the names of the participants.

*3. Review of Action Items frpm 18/08/09*
All action items have been carried (on Item 1 H. Ullrich is expecting feedback)

*4. Open Public comment Period*
For most of the issues information has been sent or being discussed on the mailing lists, or are Work in Progress (WIP)

> *point 4.a.*

S. Bachollet has sent a new version of comments on the WG on Transparency and more comments are welcome. There is another document, important for reading, concerning r the future of the new gTLDs in which Patric have input and Sebastien asks Staff for a summary of this document translated to French and Spanish.

L. Donnerhacke shared some feedback from the public discussion in Germany on the Root Server study – lots of press people imply it is not possible to append DNS for the new gTLDs at the same time as introducing DNSSEC and Ipv6, which is a misread of the report. It should be noted that a lot of sceptics visibly took report in a way to fit their needs.

A. Peake: One of the things suggested on the ALAc last call was to be arranged a briefing call on this particular study.
Other important ongoing thing is the JPA and the outcome of negotiations which will come out this week. As well as discussing this in Seoul, again on the ALAC call has been suggested there should be a briefing beforehand that ICANN put its point of view on how the negotiations went and what that actually means. Sebastien also suggested that Board members should be involved and this is a good idea.
Another policy issue that is ongoing and there's been a lot of requests for input is the Registrant agreement , particularly the Registrant bill or rights.

B. Drake echoes what Adam was saying only stressing on the need of some boost from the ALAc side and GNSO/NCUC side. The discussion so far is going into rather conservative direction.

> point 4.b.

S. Bachollet comments: It is a difficult document to read, but now a PDF and XLS sheet are available, could be found from the link of the agenda. It is a guideline of the work that needs to be done in the evolution of At-Large and ALAC, so it it is important document to be read. Comments are welcome.

> point 4.c.

Comments on the ACSO Summary document are welcome on the mailing list or at the document link.
Adam gave the link: https://jive.dev.icann.org/community/acso but may be too late to say much (if anything)

5. Elections and Upcoming Election Calls

1. We had to nominate our EURALO candidate for NomCom, Olivier Crepin-Leblond has been nominated and we congratulate him for his election.
Olivier thanked to all that proposed him.
2.In regards of ALAc it was the end of Patric's term. W. Ludwig suggested Patric to be nominated for another term, due to his excellent performance and work. Nomination has been supported by several EURALO members.
3. We needed to nominate a person from EURALO for the position of Board Liaison. Sebastien Bachollet and Wendy Seltzer have been nominated.
There was a call last week with the candidates, Sebastien participated as nominee, Wolf and Olivier were posting questions.
Bill Drake noted that he also had supported Sebastien, but it had not been marked on the wiki.

6. Process to select the At-Large Voting Board Directorfor the At-Large Director Appointment Process Workspace

NARALO started an extensive and productive discussion and Evan will send a resume to all RALOs from this discussion. Sebastien participate to that discussion.
The NARALO proposed process is on the workspace: "https://st.icann.org/working-groups/index.cgi?draft_procedure_for_appointment_of_a_director_by_at_large"

7. ALAC response to recent activities of the NCUC
Sebastien Bachollet summary*: What is important from my point of view is how we engage with the restructuring of the GNSO. As At-large we are supporting the Non-commercial Users side to organize. That is the NCSG – one of the two groups of the non-contracted parties.
There is a big discussion among At-large, ALAC, NCUC and the Board, on the matter if the constituency must be set up within the CNCSG or within the NCUC. This is my understanding of the situation. Some of the discussions are not following a good way.
NCUC asked to nominate Bill Drake to be a liaison with the At-Large and ALAC. We didn't have before that specific kind of liaison and we should support this motion and welcome him to participate. On the way the Liaison from ALAC to NCUC is not a filled position, as of Beau's withdraw. We as ALAC decided not to fill role, because we will have a new ALAC after Seoul and because the right level for interaction is the NCSG.

Wolf Ludwig note: I was confused on the real problem of that debate, and I since I missed the Sydney meeting, and I am not sure if the participant to this call are really informed about the substance of the conflict and I hope Bill will be able to bring clarification for us.

Bill Drake: I am one of the 150+ members of the NCUC and I am not accountable for how M. Muller choses to communicate with other people. I want to stick to what is the basic issue here. There is apparently a long standing history of interaction between ALAC and NCUC, which was not always going too well. NCUC as broader charter has been supported by broader number of civil society organizations. The Board rejected that and so we are asking them to please reconsider that in collaboration with us. We suggested also that no constituency is created until this issue is resolved (the official letter from August is resent to the list). If constituencies are to be created under the existing arrangements, that will will be locked in a charted that the Bord has given us which we all in the civil society reject, and wil will not be able to get out of it. We are looking for the creation of a new constituency will be hold until we work this out collaboratively with the SIC. There was no collective ALAC position taken by the ALAC supporting the SIC Charter. I suggest we begin to move into more collaborative mode between the NCUC and ALAC.
On the point of Liaison issues, because of all the misunderstanding and because i am familiar with the NCUC and ALAC, I've offered a month ago to serve as Liaison between the two.
(For more details please refer to the call recording;From NARALO minutes: ALAC response to recent activities of the NCUC:
“It was decided by full consensus, that NARALO would formally make a request to the A*LAC to oppose the one-year delay of approval of the NCSG charter that is being proposed by NCUC in its August 18 letter to the ICANN CEO and Board. It was strongly felt that the restructuring should not be substantially delayed, simply to buy time to re-make arguments that have already been made”.)


W. Ludwig: The proposal to nominate Bill Drake as a Liaison between NCUC and ALAC is maybe a good idea and I support it. Follow up on this topic is requested.

A. Peake: Discussing Milton's blogpost and the comments to it. Also supports the proposal of having an NCUC-ALAC Liaison. A worrying issues is that an ALAC-NCUC meeting is still not scheduled for the Seoul meeting.

B. Drake responded to A. Peake (please refer to the recording)
W. Ludwig: We need to find a way to de-escalate this situation and with all the sympathy to NARALO, we as EURALO should restrain of supporting NARALO's position.

A. Peake:commenting NARALO's position.

W. Ludwig: Proposal for creating as small working group from EURALO to try to moderate and de-escalate the conflict. The group will consist of W. Ludwig, B. Drake, S. Bachollet and A. Peake and the aim is to think before Seoul how to help to bring the constructive dialogue again.

Action Item:Creation of a small EURALO working group to work on ways to de-escalate the conflict. Participants: W. Ludwig, B. Drake, S. Bachollet and A. Peake

8. Planning for the Seoul Meeting
We were preparing the EURALO Seoul Agenda as well as in the context of the Secretariats meeting.

9. Joint ALAC-GNSO RAA Related Activities
It is important to have people who are willing to participate to this debate.

W. Ludwig forwarded the call for participation to the EURALO Board and to M. Senges. If anyone else is interested , please inform W. Ludwig in order to facilitate your participation.

10. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC
All the issues have already been discussed during the Euralo call.

11. EURALO Outreach
i. EuroDIG (14-15 September, Geneva)
We had very active EuroDig and EURALO participation in Geneva. Thanks to Diplo Foundation, there were lot of participants from SEE countries. Also youth organizations, more presentation from European institutions (Council of Europe, European Community). Summaries and input from speakers will be published on the website soon.

Outcome of the EURALO flyer didn't fit EURALO's expectations. Olivier posted comments on the flyer and we agree with his comments.

The Flyer is an ongoing work, more discussion will follow with the ICANN Staff and with Scott Pinzon on the improving the outreach material and to continue with the other outreach ideas proposed. We continue the work in as small working group consisting of W. Ludwig, D. Greve, O. Crepin-Leblond and with the staff. More volunteers are welcome to join.

ii. Studienkreiss (15-16 October, Barcelona)
Due to health problems of Wolfgang, the event has to be postponed. It is foreseen for the beginning of 2010. Wolf will follow up. (28-29 of January)

12.Any other Business
A. Peake: Sharing thoughts about the Voting Director's position. He was asked to draft his issues and send them to the list.