Motions 3 February 2011

Motions 3 February 2011

1. Proposed Amendment made by Zahid Jamil to the motion in response to the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group (RAP WG) final report.

 originally made by Tim Ruiz and seconded by Jeff Neuman and further amended by Jeff Neuman (BOLD)

On behalf of the BC I would like to propose the following amendment to the Council motion at item 6 (RAP). In the motion (deferred from the previous Council call - 3 february motions) the following may be added as Resolved 3:

RESOLVED #3, the GNSO Council requests an Issue Report on the creation of non-binding best practices to help registrars and registries address the illicit use of domain names in accordance with Registration Abuse Policies Working Group Final Report.

This effort should consider (but not be limited the following subjects:

• Practices for identifying stolen credentials

• Practices for identifying and investigating common forms of malicious use (such as malware and phishing)

• Creating anti-abuse terms of service for possible inclusion in Registrar-Registrant agreements by registrars who adopt them, and for use by TLD operators who adopt them.

• Identifying compromised/hacked domains versus domain registered by abusers

• Practices for suspending domain names

• Account access security management

• Security resources of use or interest to registrars and registries

• Survey registrars and registries to determine practices being used, and their adoption rates.

2. Motion in response to the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group (RAP WG) final report.

Deferred from the Council meeting on 13 January
Made by: Tim Ruiz
Seconded by: Jeff Neuman

Whereas the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group submitted its report to the GNSO Council on 29 May 2010 (see

Whereas the GNSO Council reviewed the report and its recommendations and decided to form an implementation drafting team to draft a proposed
approach with regard to the recommendations contained in the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group Final Report, and

Whereas the Registration Abuse Policies Implementation Drafting Team submitted its proposed response to the GNSO Council on 15 November 2010
(see http://gnso.icann.org/correspondence/rap-idt-to-gnso-council-15nov10-en.pdf),


Whereas the GNSO Council considered the proposed approached at its Working Session at the ICANN meeting in Cartagena.

RESOLVED #1, the GNSO Council instructs ICANN Policy Staff to forward the two issues identified by the RAP IDT as having low resource
requirements, WHOIS Access recommendation #2 and Fake Renewal Notices recommendation #1, to ICANN Compliance Staff for resolution. ICANN
Compliance Staff is requested to provide the GNSO Council with its feedback on the two recommendations and proposed implementation in a timely manner.

RESOLVED #2, the GNSO Council requests an Issues Report on the current state of the UDRP. This effort should consider:

How the UDRP has addressed the problem of cybersquatting to date, and any insufficiencies/inequalities associated with the process.
Whether the definition of cybersquatting inherent within the existing UDRP language needs to be reviewed or updated.
The Issue Report should include suggestions for how a possible PDP on this issue might be managed.