Staff Accountability Meeting #5 (15 December @ 13:00 UTC)
Sub-group Members: Alan Greenberg, Avri Doria, George Sadowski, Klaus Stoll, Pam Little, Seun Ojedeji (6)
Staff: Adiel Akplogan, Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Karen Mulberry
Apologies: Herb Waye, Julf Helsingius, Cheryl Langdon-Orr
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
1. Intro, agenda review, SOI check
2. Review of 'proposed next steps"
3. Volunteers for Docs A & B
Notes: (including relevant portions of the chat)
1. Intro, agenda review, SOI check
Avri Doria: Proposed agenda - accepted. SOI check - no changes. Still awaiting documents from staff as agreed in Hyderabad.
2. Review of 'proposed next steps"
Avri Doria: Presentation of Proposed Next Steps document. JC and I have advised the co-chairs that we will now be on track 2 (longer track). Discussion of 2 documents A and B.
George Sadowsky: Issue of Board relationship of the Board with staff and the community is beyond the scope of this group (descriptive only instead of prescriptive).
Avri Doria: Agree - if we ever notice anything in this area we would note it without making a recommendations.
Klaus Stoll: good plan as long as we do not see this outline as absolute - will be glad to participate.
Avri Doria: JC will be the pen holder on document A. There may be others. On to document B which I will initially hold the pen on. Description of B - expected to be a
longer document - maybe 20 pages - any comments?
George Sadowsky: Not all of the CCWG-Accountability? AD - from the WS1 recommendation but we are delegated by the CCWG to do this. GS also ICANN org and ICANN Board. AD - again but can add a footnote.
Avri Doria: any other comments? (none). Seems acceptable. Next questions - Specifications? (no comment). Need volunteers for the documents. Review of schedule
going forward - there are no additional calls this year and resume 5 January - description of schedule/plan in document. We need to get the draft done over the
holidays and early January. Comments? (none). Who is volunteering?
Klaus Stoll: These documents will be based on existing documents - have we captured all of these in one place to facilitate our drafting?
Avri Doria: As noted earlier we are still waiting on staff to provide those - but we have to move ahead with what we have given the schedules.
Klaus Stoll: Should ask staff to expedite - this is very important.
Georgee Sadowsky: Support what Klaus is saying.
Karen Mulberry: I have been told that it is being worked on and that it should be sent soon
Pam Little: Can we ask Staff to send whatever they have now?
Pam Little: Instead of waiting for everything.
Karen Mulberry: Sorry, best i can do
Karen Mulberry: Its my understanding that they are responding to all questions
Avri Doria: Still looking for contributors to the documents. Ideally need a core group of 3 or 4 writers per document (none except KS).
Alan Greenberg: I will put time into reviewing once something is drafted, but volunteering to do the work is less realistic.
Avri Doria: AOB? (none0 Document B can be found at []
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Welcome all to the WS2 Staff Accountability Meeting #6 | 15 December 2016 @ 13:00 UTC!
Brenda Brewer:Hi Suen, could you please mute your mic. Thank you!
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:hi all
Seun Ojedeji:Question: Do we have ICANN answers?
Karen Mulberry:I have been told that it is being worked on and that it should be sent soon
Seun Ojedeji:Thanks Karen
Pam Little:Can we ask Staff to send whatever they have now?
Pam Little:Instead of waiting for everything.
Karen Mulberry:Sorry, best i can do
Karen Mulberry:Its my understanding that they are responding to all questions
Alan Greenberg:I will put time into reviewing once something is drafted, but volunteering to do the work is less realistic.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all
Adiel:thank you Avri
Seun Ojedeji:Thanks and bye