At-Large Improvements WG 21-05-2012 Action Items

At-Large Improvements WG 21-05-2012 Action Items

AI: Matt to make a workspace on "At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Status Report - Feb 2012 and Appendix" where individuals can make comments on each section (i.e. break the document up into different sections so members can make specific comments)..

  AI: Olivier Crépin-Leblond to follow up with Beau Brendler and Holly Raiche on the development of the consumer document. After this task is completed, Silvia Vivanco to send a message to the Secretariats List asking for members that have ALSes with a particular focus on consumer issues to assist in the early draft and editing of a consumer organizational and individual interests document.

Material from the record of the discussion of the CR are not accessible on our website or the CR website and recordings and transcripts  need to be made available in the WIKI.Project Taskforce
Tue, 13 March 2012 - 16:00 - 19:30 ,need t be added to the wiki page.