GNSO Wrap up meeting - ICANN64

GNSO Wrap up meeting - ICANN64


ICANN64 – GNSO Wrap up Meeting

DATE:  Thursday, 14 March 2019 / TIME: 12:15-13:15

ICANN64 Schedule link:  https://64.schedule.icann.org/



  1. Approach and volunteers for GNSO Council review of GAC Communique
  2. Letters from ICANN’s General Counsel (enforceability of ICANN’s Expected Standards of Behavior and the disciplinary situation in the RPM PDP WG)
  3. Curative Rights Final Report – next steps
  4. Volunteers to draft Council letter re. improvements to the legislation tracker
  5. Planning for ICANN65 - any input that Council leadership should consider as it prepares the agenda?
  6. Council liaison to EPDP IRT
  7. AOB