EURALO Meetings-General Assemblies

EURALO Meetings-General Assemblies

  • Lisbon ICANN Meeting - the European ALS Community met from March 24 - 30 2007 as part of the 28th International ICANN meeting.
  • Previous Meetings
  • EURALO has had its Board Meeting and General Assembly at the ICANN Paris meeting. Here are the agendas:
  1. Sunday 21 June, 0900 - 1200 EURALO Board meeting
  2. Sunday 21 June, 1400 - 1700 EURALO General Assembly
  3. The Report of the EURALO is now also available.
  4. For the full At-Large Paris agenda, please click here
  5. In order to facilitate your planning for the Paris meeting we compiled lists of the registered participants and the travel itineraries of EURALO members.