Agenda 22 June 2008
Proposed Agenda for GNSO Working Session in Paris 22 June 2008
Remote participation possible
Joint meeting with ALAC (8:15 -10:00)
(Agenda is subject to review by both groups)
1. Public Comment Period Length
Given the ALAC and hierarchical At-Large structure, and the typical lack of easy to understand and multi-lingual documentation, ALAC is faced with a very difficult problem in responding to the typical 30 comment periods. How do other constituencies address this and to what extent should ICANN adjust processes.
2. Improving communications
Improving communications between At-large groups and GNSO constituency members at the local and regional level.
3. GNSO Improvements
Alternative proposal on GNSO structure: brief discussion of how the ALAC came to support the recent alternative proposal on GNSO structure, specifically what ALAC would like to see coming out of any changes, and how Councillors perceive these issues.
Break (10:00 -10:30)
Reconvene in Chagall
4. New gTLDs - Update on dispute issues, Open Issues? (10:30 -12:00)
Final Report on the Introduction of New Top-Level Domains approved by the GNSO Council on 6 September 2007
5. IANA/ICANN names - what is the process for changing Reserved names beyond the new gTLD process (12:00 -12:30)
6. Single Character Second-Level Domain Names (12:30 -13:00)
ICANN Synthesis on Single-Character Domain Names at the Second-Level
Lunch (13:00 -14:00) (Lunch not included)
7. Discuss Jon's Paper (14:00 - 14:30)
Relation between ccNSO and gNSO: New gTDLs
8. IDN ccTLDs (separate from session with the GAC) (14:30 -15:15)
Overview of IDNC key issues
Overview of key points from 'GNSO Comments in Response to the ccNSO-GAC Issues Report on IDN Issues'
GNSO Comments in Response to the ccNSO-GAC Issues Report on IDN Issues
Final Version – 20 February 2008
DRAFT Final REPORT Recommendations for Fast Track
9. Prep for ccNSO-gNSO meeting on Thursday 26 June at 12:00 (15:15 - 15:30)
10. Prep for GAC meeting (15:30 - 15:45)
Joint Meeting with GAC in Picasso (16:00 - 18:00)
- New gTLD policy implementation
- IDN ccTLD deployment (PDP and fast track)
- ICANN GNSO WHOIS Study Group Report to the GNSO Council Recommendation on further studies of WHOIS
Board/GNSO/Staff Dinner in Giacometti - GNSO "Improvements" (19:00) The Board dinner will begin at Le Méridien and at 21:00 (9:00pm) move to the Musée d'Orsay for cocktails and desserts at the kind invitation of Verisign.