Summary Minutes 20 April 2010
Participants: Adam Peake, Sebastien Bachollet, Yro Lanispuro, Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Apologies: Bill Drakes, Wolf Ludwig, Sebastien Bachollet, Patrick Vande Walle, Dessi Greve (will join later)
Missing: Rudi Vansnick, Annette Muehlberg
Staff: Matthias Langenegger
On request of Wolf (Chair of Euralo) not able to attend the call, Sebastien chair the meeting.
Review of Action Items:
Matthias: we are still in communications
Adam: Should we draft a note of dissatisfaction on how the Board allocates its funding? Some of the budget allocation are difficult to understand for us and I am happy to draft a note on this.
Olivier: instead of of dissatisfaction perhaps we could express our surprise on how the budget has been allocated in the past year.
Open Consultations:
Adam: I voted in favour of Alan's proposal on RSTEP
Sebastien: I was slightly disappointed that my comment to look into the implication of VeriSings request on the new gTLD program is not taken into account.
Adam: I voted no on the whois accuracy statement because I think privacy is not sufficiently taken into account. I encourage you to look at the last part of the Statement and if you agree with me that it is not sensible to say that Whois accuracy can be verified.
Adam: I am afraid that the .XXX case will put ICANN on the brink of insolvency
Sebastien: The ExCom would like to say to something along the lines that they hope the question will be treated swiftly and in an equitable manner. The ALAC is more concerned with the process.
Olivier: I agree that we say something on process but do not pick sides on this sensitive issue.
FY 11 Travel Policy
Adam: The Board is the one constituency that is not mentioned in the document. I propose that in the Statement, we ask that the same level of transparency that applies to the other constituencie also applies to the Board,
Vertical Integration
Sebastien: I am on this list and it seems that some people spend their entire life on this issue. ALAC should prepare a Statement on this topic.
Update on the At-Large Board Selection process
Sebastien: I am no longer part of this process, please delete my name from this agenda item
Olivier: the ABSdt has prepared four draft document and we had a joint meeting with the BCEC where we handed over the roles to the members of the BCEC. Cheryl who is in both committees, will make sure that the transition will go smoothly. I want to emphasize that the members of the BCEC will work in complete confidentiality.
Currently open ALS Application
AI: Staff will send the due diligence to Wolf, Dessi and Olivier by the end of the week
Update on the EURALO Showcase Event in Brussels
Olivier: The first meeting went well but we will have to wait until the next meeting to provide further details. One problem we encountered when we prepared EUROdig is that a lot of the speakers plan their agendas long in advance which makes it difficult to do the planning. The earlier, the better.
Update on Strengthening WGs & At-Large Improvements Process
Sebastien: I am disappointed with the way the revitalization process is going and I am afraid that we will not be able to fall back on the WG for policy work.
AI: Adam I will draft a statement on point 6.1 and 6.2 of the Implementation Plan.
Sebastien: Adam, we should talk about the future of the transparency and accountabilty working group
Adam: Lutz raised a point during the Finance Subcommittee where he implied that At-Large is working for its own benefit. Does this resonate with you?
Sebastien: I do not agree with Lutz's statement and do not think it reflects EURALO's view. We are indeed working for the interest of the end users.
Olivier: We can not claim to represent all end users but we are working for what we believe is the best interest of end users.
Yjru: it is difficult to know where this came from as we lack context
AI: Adam will forward Lutz's statement to the EURALO list to get additional input
Adam: do you agree that we should ask for greater ownership of the At-Large budget?
Olivier: agree in principle but I think it will be unlikely
Sebastien: agree with Adam
Sebastien: I hope this was a useful meeting for all of you.
The meeting was then adjourned.