13 May 2020 - #21
13 May 2020 - #21
Members: James Galvin, Matthew Thomas, Patrik Fältström, Jeff Schmidt, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Berry Leiba, Jaap Akkerhuis, Jeff Neuman, Warren Kumari, Julie Hammer, Merike Kaeo, Rubens Kuhl, Tom Barrett, Greg Shatan, Danny McPherson, Justine Chew
Apologies: Steve Crocker, Russ Mundy, Ram Mohan
Staff/Contractor: Karen Scarfone, Kim Carlson, Kathy Schmidt, Steve Sheng, Matt Larson
- Welcome and roll call
- Updates to SOI
- New members (none)
- Definition of Names Collisions
- Continue to work on questions: (see google doc)
- Next meeting: 20 May 2020
Slides: (see Google doc)
Recording: Zoom Playback
Background material
Chat: NCAP Chat - 13 May.txt