13 May 2020 - #21

13 May 2020 - #21


Members:  James Galvin, Matthew Thomas, Patrik Fältström, Jeff Schmidt, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Berry Leiba, Jaap Akkerhuis, Jeff Neuman, Warren Kumari, Julie Hammer, Merike Kaeo, Rubens Kuhl, Tom Barrett, Greg Shatan, Danny McPherson, Justine Chew

Apologies:  Steve Crocker, Russ Mundy, Ram Mohan


Staff/Contractor:  Karen Scarfone, Kim Carlson, Kathy Schmidt, Steve Sheng, Matt Larson


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Updates to SOI
  3. New members (none)
  4. Definition of Names Collisions
  5. Continue to work on questions: (see google doc)
  6. AOB
  7. Next meeting:  20 May 2020

Slides: (see Google doc)

Recording:  Zoom Playback


Background material

Chat:  NCAP Chat - 13 May.txt