2 December 2020 - #35

2 December 2020 - #35


Members:  James Galvin, Matt Thomas, Patrik Faltstrom, Russ Mundy, Barry Leiba, Jeff Neuman, Steve Crocker, Rod Rasmussen, Justine Chew, Julie Hammer, Warren Kumari, Jaap Akkerhuis, Anne Aikman-Scalese


Observers: Jim Prendergast

Staff/Contractor:  Andrew McConachie, Steve Sheng, Kim Carlson, Kathy Schnitt, Matt Larson


NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference
2 December 2020 | 19:00 UTC

  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Updates to SOI
  3. Review current status of Study Two proposal
  4. Structure of NCAP DG calls going forward
  5. AOB

Recording:  Zoom Playback

Transcript:  NCAP DG Teleconference-Dec02.pdf

Background material (see google doc)

Chat: chat NCAP 2 Dec.txt

Decisions Made: