No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
43 | RALOs should encourage their inactive ALS representatives to comply with ALAC minimum participation requirements. | ALAC; RALOs | TG5 |
| ON HOLD - Pending Internal Process |
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- NARALO is working on this Rec. NARALO did a survey with regard to ALS engagement, and NARALO leaders have reached out to ALSes to personally encourage their participation.
- RALO calls that conflict with regular work time of members is one of the factors of the lack of engagement. NARALO is in process reviewing timezone rotation options for its calls.
- The time conflict with work issue does not seem to apply to LACRALO.
- Voting is less a problem, but active participation is an issue.
- Since November we have been calling and emailing all the NARALO ALS to participate
- Seven ALS decided to become decertified
- Planning to have interactive webinars for the NARALO webinar
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- Inactive ALSes will likely be decertified in an automatic process
- In 2014, EURALO had to decertify 4 ALSes, meanwhile there are 3 candidates in the list and will likely be decertified in 2016
- NARALO is about to decertify 4 ALSes (they have explicitly stated that they'd like to be decertified); the other inactive ones have not yet responded