Action Items
- Suzanne Woolf and Tripti Sinha to draft a report of impressions and action items from ICANN 49.
- Barbara Roseman to investigate what flexibility exists for RSSAC to enter into MOUs with other groups.
- Lars-Johan Liman to circulate the draft IAB MOU to the mailing list for feedback and possible incorporation into the operational procedures document.
- Barbara Roseman to provide a timeline for the operational procedures document.
- Barbara Roseman to make appropriate arrangements for an RSSAC meeting at ICANN 50 in London.
- Carlos Reyes will publish 14 March and 25 March minutes on the RSSAC wiki by the end of the week.
- Lars-Johan Liman will send a note to the RSSAC Executive Committee mailing list asking where and when the next in-person meeting will take place.