Action Items 20 July 2010

Action Items 20 July 2010

Participants: Christopher Wilkinson, Olivier Crépin-LeBlond, Sébastien Bachollet, Lutz Donnerhacke, Yrjo Lansipuro, Wolf Ludwig, Annette Mühlberg
Apologies: Adam Peake
Staff: Matthias Langenegger

AI: Olivier will keep Wolf informed about the NomCom selection process

AI: Matthias will get in contact with the Staff person responsible for the online survey on ICANN meetings for the next decade to find out whether it is possible for several members to participate to the survey with the same URL

AI: The discussion of ALS decertification process will be carried over to the next monthly call

AI: Wolf will send Anette the presentation of the Survey results

AI: Olivier will send out an email to the list asap to find out what ALSes are attending the IGF in Vilnius

AI: Olivier, Wolf and Staff will start working on the GA Agenda at the beginning of August