Agenda 25 September 2008

Agenda 25 September 2008

Chuck Gomes will be chairing the GNSO Council meeting
Scheduled time for meeting 120 mins.
Dial-in numbers sent individually to Council members.

Item 0: Roll call of Council members
Item 1: Update any statements of interest
Item 2: Review/amend agenda

Item 3: Approve GNSO Council minutes of 4 September 2008 (Items 0-3 10 mins )

Item 4: Status Update (15 mins)4.1 ICANN Board4.2 Fast Flux PDP WG
4.3 Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part A PDP
4.4 New gTLDs
4.5 Fast Track
4.6 AGP
4.7 RAA Amendments
Item 5: Discussion on GNSO Response concerning Geo Regions (15 mins)
ICANN Geographic Regions

    • Constituency feedback
    • Next Steps

Item 6: Discussion/Decision GNSO Restructuring and Plan (25 mins)

  • longer term procedure--Next Steps
    Item 8: Planning for Cairo (15 mins)
  • 1-Nov-08 (Sat)GNSO Improvements
    New gTLD Implementation details (?)* 2-Nov-08 (Sun)Discussion of Fast Flux based on WG report
    Standing Committee meetings(?)
    GAC Joint Mtg (?)
    Board Joint Mtg* 3-Nov-08 (Mon)Trans-silo (ALAC, ccNSO, GAC, GNSO )IDN TLDs
    PSC* 5-Nov-08 (Wed)Open Meeting
    GNSO Improvements – Initiate Standing Committees
    WHOIS Decision on Studies for which estimates are requested* 6-Nov-08 (Tor)ccNSO Joint Mtg (?)
    What things should we work on together
    e.g. Cross SO PDPs
    Item 9: Whois Hypotheses Study Group (10 mins)
    • Constituency feedback
    • Next Steps

Item 10: Motion on request for issues report on Registration Abuse Policies. (10 mins)

Item 11: Any Other Business (5 mins)

  • ccNSO Liaison
  • Possible ALAC issues report request on Redemption Grace Period