Motions 2024-03-06

Motions 2024-03-06

Motion to Approve the Communications Mechanism Recommendations set forth in the GNSO Council Communications Small Team Final Report

 Submitted by: Greg DiBiase

Seconded by: Tomslin Samme-Nlar 


  1. During the GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session (SPS) that was held during 14-16 December 2022, the GNSO Council identified the need to enhance its communication efforts to promote its work and outcomes to a broader audience, as well as to counterbalance negative stories and misinformation about GNSO policy work.
  2. As a result, the GNSO Council small team was formed in April 2023 to develop a strategic communications plan to proactively promote policy and other GNSO Council priorities.
  3. The small team focused on five (5) tasks in developing the GNSO Council strategic communications plan, namely: 1) Situation analysis of current communication efforts; 2) Clarify the overall objectives; 3) Identify the target audience(s); 4) Recommend communications mechanism/products; and 5) Determine the measures of success.
  4. The small team held a total of eleven (11) meetings from May to October 2023, including informal sessions during ICANN77 and ICANN78, while also engaging with ICANN org communications department, via facilitation by policy staff, to seek input for the completion of its assignments.
  5. During the 2023 SPS held in Washington DC from 28 November - 1 December 2023, the small team presented to the GNSO Council an overview of the draft strategic communications plan that includes details pertaining to the five (5) assignments.
  6. The small team delivered its final report to the GNSO Council on 24 February 2024 putting forward two (2) substantive recommendations for new mechanisms to enhance GNSO Council’s communications practice, in addition to suggesting various minor improvements to the existing communications practices.


  1. The GNSO Council accepts the recommendations as outlined in the Communications Small Team Final Report and requests that the leadership of the small team works with Council leadership on developing the respective communications as foreseen under recommendations 6.2.1 and 6.2.2.
  2. The GNSO Council thanks the small team for its efforts as well as the ICANN org communications function for their contributions.