2013-06-20 Board Meeting (personal)

2013-06-20 Board Meeting (personal)

Date / Time

Thursday, 20 June 2013

22:30 - 24:00 UTC


personal meeting in Lisbon


  1. discuss election of secretariat concerning potential violation of the bylaws
  2. tasks of board and secretariat

Additional Ressources


  1. Wolf Ludwig (Chair)
  2. Oksana Prykhodko (Secretariat)
  3. Lutz Donnerhacke
  4. Jordi Iparraguirre
  5. Yrjö Länsipuro
  6. Yuliya Morenets
  7. Manuel Schneider

Non-voting Board Members present

  1. Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
  2. Sandra Hoferichter


  1. Werner Hülsmann
  2. Stefan Hügel
  3. Oliver Passek


  1. Rudi Vansnick

Not in Lisbon

  1. Dragoslava Greve
  2. Annette Mühlberg
  3. Desiree Miloshevic


1. Issue around Election of Secretariat at GA 2013



The result of the election of the secretariat during the General Assembly 2013 was:

  • 28 total votes
    • 8 votes in favor of Yuliya Morenets
    • 11 votes in favor of Oksana Prykhodko
    • 8 votes "none of the above"
    • 1 abstention (no vote)

With 11 votes Oksana Prykhodko was declared to be re-elected for secretariat. However it was claimed that bylaws however require a qualified majority, which with 28 total votes requires more than 14 votes in favor the elected candidate. None of the candidates reached this quorum. If the claim is right, the election of the secretariat was invalid and must be repeated.

A heated discussion on duties of the secretariat, evaluation of the performance of the past secretariat followed.

Lutz Donnerhacke: Let's take the vote for granted and consider Oksana Prykhodko to be the secretariat of the board, not the secretariat of Wolf Ludwig. This would take the problems away from Wolf Ludwig. Instead of further discussing paperwork let's get a working board.

Wolf Ludwig: Bylaws are made for problematic situations, we cannot simply ignore them. More board members should have a look at the issue, check the bylaws and come up with a suggestion. Wolf Ludwig will stay out of the conflict, states that as the chair he is generally not voting anyway, as a balance of power. Facilitate the board and managing the decision making process but not influencing it. Bylaws on wiki are not up-to-date, will send proper version tonight to EURALO mailinglist.

Wolf Ludwig suggests two options how to deal with the issue:

  1. staff sets up an online vote, repeat of the election of the secretariat
  2. the board decides to have Oksana Prykhodko as the secretariat of the board, not of the chair. Wolf Ludwig will then not have to deal with this decision and the consequences thereof.

Wolf Ludwig: Once being a secretary of EURALO you have to comply with the tasks of the secretariat. As a member of an ALS you can set the agenda and priorities of that ALS as you want but acting on behalf of the EUROALO only with the official EURALO position, never with the own ALS' agenda.

Yrö Länsipuro: We need to keep the two problems apart:

  1. possibly invalid voting result according to the bylaws
  2. the evaluation of Oksana Prykhodko being the secretary of EURALO

Oksana Prykhodko: My priority is democratic development in post-totalitarian countries. To avoid this kind of problems results of votes should not take effect immediately. The newly elected functions should take on their tasks after a certain period which allows checking of the election process.

Oksana Prykhodko: Is Sébastien Bachollet a member of the EURALO board? - yes - Why isn't he here now? - He is a non-voting member of the board as per his function being board member of ICANN - like Sandra Hoferichter for ALAC and Wolfgang Kleinwächter for the Nomination Committee.

Lutz Donnerhacke: Problem is the distribution of work within the board. The board was inactive for the last two years.

Wolf Ludwig: No, for the last six years.

Sandra Hoferichter: As a EURALO board member you have to stay neutral. Local activity on behalf of the ALS is fine but on the international level as an EURALO function you have to stay neutral.

Oksana Prykhodko: Will never dismiss ukrainian priorities - this is achieved by the cooperation with everyone in EURALO.

Yrö Länsipuro: Motion to vote whether the election of the secretariat should be repeated. What is the framework for repeating the election (candidates, voters)?

Wolf Ludwig: Simple repetition of the previous vote, same candidates, no new nominations, same voters.

  • Wolf Ludwig sends current bylaws to EURO-Discuss
  • at least three people will be nominated to review the bylaws until 2013-06-21 13:00 UTC
    • Jordi Iparraguirre
    • Oliver Passek
    • Yrö Länsipuro
    • Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
  • if election is confirmed to be invalid according to the bylaws:
    • staff sets up a vote among all participants of the General Assembly, including those who had proxies
    • duration of the vote is five working days

2. Tasks of the Board

Wolf Ludwig: The EURALO board is unique among the other RALOs boards. The main task is coordination. In the past there were two fractions: WSIS vs. ISOC, heavy fighting on the EURALO mailinglist. The board and RALO was not operational at all. Chair needs to stay out of conflict, disctance from the own ALS. Moderating the fighting groups, setting guidelines for communication. It worked, after one year successful and peaceful 1st General Assembly.

Wolf Ludwig: Today tasks are mainly reading the ALAC mailinglists and check if there are relevant consultanties or nominations, communicate them to the EURALO community and keep the deadlines, sending reminders.

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Seperate two areas of work in the board:

  1. policy (board)
  2. procedures (chair and secretariat)

2.1 Policy / Board Tasks

  • take political actions
  • find topics in civil society and translate them into ICANN actions
  • prioritize in certain areas, having experts / subject leaders for each area
  • defining priorities for each ICANN meeting
  • geographical reponsibilities divided as per Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond:

      1. Data Protection / Privacy - Whois and directory services
        (Werner Hülsmann, Annette Mühlberg, Stefan Hügel, Bogdan Manolea, Rena Tangens, Oliver Passek – and others to sign in)
      2. Security - incl. DNSSEC
        (Lutz Donnerhake, Patrick Vande Walle, Yuliya Morenets, Tatiana Tropina – and others to sign in)
      3. Net Neutrality
        (Lutz Donnerhake, Annette Mühlberg, Stefan Hügel, Bill Drake, Wolf Ludwig – and others to sign in)
      4. Open Access – Accessibility – eInclusion
        (Manuel Schneider, Plamena Popova, Christoph Bruch, Wolf Ludwig, Yuliya Morenets, Monique Epstein, Greta Jeske – and others to sign in)

      1. Consumer Concerns

    (Breda Kutin – and others to sign in)

  • position: board coordinator for feedback on policies
    • channels the incoming requests to the right subject leader (expert)
  • getting involved in the organisation of ATLAS 2 - Manuel Schneider
    • publicity
    • program
    • funding

2.2 Procedures / Chair / Secretariat Tasks

  • selection
  • elections
  • appointments
  • organising meetings, including regular face-to-face meetings

Action Items

  • Wolf Ludwig sends current bylaws to EURO-Discuss
  • at least three people will be nominated to review the bylaws until 2013-06-21 13:00 UTC
    • Jordi Iparraguirre
    • Oliver Passek
    • Yrö Länsipuro
    • Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
  • if election is confirmed to be invalid according to the bylaws:
    • staff sets up a vote among all participants of the General Assembly, including those who had proxies
    • duration of the vote is five working days