Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) Open Session - ICANN69
Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) Open Session - ICANN69
ICANN69 – Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) Open SessionDATE: Thursday, 15 October 2020TIME: 12:00-13:30 CESTROOM: Zoom 4 (GNSO)ICANN69 Session Link |
12:00 | Welcome — Heather Forrest, IPC President
12:00-12:15 | ICANN & IPC Today: Never easier to participate (15 min) — Paul McGrady, IPC Policy Coordinator |
12:15-13:15 | IPC engagement in current PDPs (1 hour)
13:15-13:30 | IPC 2021 (15 min) — Open discussion facilitated by Heather Forrest, IPC President, with IPC GNSO Councilors Flip Petillion and John McElwaine
Remote participation details for this session can be found here.
For more information about the IPC, visit http://www.ipconstituency.org/.