NCSG @ ICANN Meetings

NCSG @ ICANN Meetings

ICANN75 (Kuala Lumpur, September 2022)

NCSG Membership Meeting: recordings
NCSG Policy Committee Meeting: recordings
Joint Session: ICANN Board and NCSG: recordings

ICANN74 (The Hague, June 2022)

NCSG Membership Meeting: recordings
NCSG Policy Committee Meeting: recordings

ICANN73 (Virtual, March 2022)

NCSG Membership Meeting:  recordings
NCSG Policy Committee Meeting:  recordings
Joint Meeting:  ICANN Board and NCSG:  recordings

ICANN72 (Virtual, October 2021)

NCSG Membership Meeting:  recordings
NCSG Policy Committee Meeting:  recordings
Joint Meeting:  ICANN Board and NCSG:  recordings

ICANN71 (Virtual, June 2021)

NCSG Membership Meeting: recordings
NCSG Policy Committee Meeting: recordings

ICANN70 (Virtual, March 2020)

NCSG Membership Meeting: recordings

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting: recordings

Joint Meeting: ICANN Board and NCSG: recordings

ICANN69 (Virtual, October 2020)

CPH and NCSG: recordings

Joint ALAC & NCSG Meeting: ICANN and Human Rights - a way forward: recordings

Joint Meeting: ICANN Board and NCSG: recordings

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting: recordings

NCSG Open Meeting: recordings

ICANN68 (Virtual, June 2020)

NCSG Open Meeting: (agenda | zoom room recording, 2audio | transcript, 2)

NCSG PC Meeting: (agenda | zoom room recordingaudio | transcript)

ICANN67 (Virtual, March 2020)

NCSG Open Meeting: (agenda | zoom room recordingaudio | transcript)

ICANN66 (Montreal, November 2019)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting: (agenda | zoom room recordingaudio)

NCSG Open Meeting (agenda | zoom room recordingaudio)

NCSG Excom Meeting (zoom recording | audio | audio transcript)

NCSG Board Meeting (agendazoom recording | audio)

ICANN65 (Marrakech, June 2019)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting: (agenda | zoom room recordingaudio)

NCSG Open Meeting (agenda | zoom room recordingaudio)

NCSG Excom Meeting (agenda | Zoom recording | audio)

ICANN64 (Kobe, March 2019)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting: (agenda | transcript | audio | ac)

NCSG - Board Meeting: (transcript | audio | ac)

CPH - NCSG Meeting: (agenda | transcript | audio | ac)

NCSG Open Day: (agenda | transcript 1, 2 | audio 1, 2 | ac)

NCSG Excom Meeting (transcript)

ICANN63 (Barcelona, October 2018)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting: (agenda | transcript | audio | ac)

NCSG - Board Meeting: (transcript | audio | ac)

GAC - NCSG Meeting: (audio | ac | live stream)

CPH - NCSG Meeting: (agenda | transcript | audio | ac)

NCSG Standards Workshop: (agenda | transcript 1, 2, 3 | audio | ac)

NCSG Open Day: (agenda | transcript 1, 2 | audio 1, 2 | ac)

ICANN62 (Panama, June 2018)

NCSG - GNSO Board Members Meeting (agenda | transcript | audio | ac

NCSG - Policy Committee (agendatranscriptaudioac)

Navigating your way at ICANN: Joint NCSG-At-Large Outreach (agenda | audio | ac)

CPH/NCSG - General Data Protection Regulation session (agenda | transcriptaudio | ac)

ICANN61 (San Juan, March 2018)

NCSG Inreach (agenda | transcript | audio)

Joint Meeting: GAC & NCSG (transcriptaudio)

Joint Meeting: NCSG & ICANN Board (agenda | transcript | audio)

NCSG Policy Committee (agenda | transcript | audio)

NCSG Open Meeting: (agenda | transcript | audio)

ICANN60 (Abu Dhabi, October 2017)

NCSG Open Meeting (agenda | transcript 1, 2 | ac recording)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting (agenda | transcript | ac recording)

RrSg & NCSg Meeting (agenda | transcript | ac recording)

ICANN 59 (Johannesburg, June 2017)

NCSG Morning Outreach Sessions (Day 1 transcript, AC | Day 2 transcript, AC | Day 3 transcript, AC | Day 4 transcript, AC)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting (agendatranscriptAC

NCSG ExCom Meeting (transcript)

ICANN 58 (Copenhagen, March 2017)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting (agenda | virtual meeting room stream | ac chat)

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript ac chat)

NCSG Finance Committee Meeting (agendavirtual meeting room stream)

NCSG & ICANN Board Meeting (transcript)

NCSG & Select Board Members Wrap-up Session (transcript)

NCSG-CCWP ICANN and Human Rights (agenda | transcript)

NCSG EC Meeting (agenda | virtual meeting room stream | transcriptac chat)

GNSO Cross-Constituency meeting between the Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) and the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) - (agenda | transcript

 ICANN 57 (Hyderabad, Nov 2016)

ICANN 56 (Helsinki, June 2016) 

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting (agenda | transcript | virtual meeting room stream | ac chat)

ICANN 55 (Marrakech, Mar 2016) 

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | audio stream 1, 2, 3virtual meeting room stream)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting (agenda | transcript | virtual meeting room stream)

NCSG Executive Committee Meeting (agenda | transcript)

Joint Meeting of the ICANN Board & the NCSG (agendaaudio stream | virtual meeting room stream)

NCSG Privacy & Human Rights at ICANN (agendatranscript  | audio stream virtual meeting room stream )

NCSG-CCWP ICANN and Human Rights (agenda | transcript | audio stream)

NCSG-CCWP ICANNs Corporate and Social Responsibility to Respect Human Rights working session (agenda | transcript | audio stream | virtual room stream)

NCSG & Board Members Wrap-up Session (agenda | transcript | virtual room stream)

ICANN 54 (Dublin, Oct 2015) 

NCSG Meeting  (agenda | transcript | virtual meeting room stream)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting (transcript)

NCSG Executive Committee Meeting (transcript)

Joint Meeting of the ICANN Board & the Non Commercial Stakeholders (transcript | audio stream | virtual meeting room stream)

NCSG Privacy & Human Rights at ICANN (transcript  | audio stream  | virtual meeting room stream )

NCSG-CCWP ICANNs Corporate and Social Responsibility to Respect Human Rights (agenda & presentationtranscript virtual meeting room stream)

NCSG-CCWP ICANNs Corporate and Social Responsibility to Respect Human Rights (working session) (agenda & presentationtranscript audio stream | virtual room stream)

NCSG Excom & Board Wrap-up Session (transcript | audio stream)

ICANN 53 (Buenos Aires, Jun 2015) 

ALAC & NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | audio stream)

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcriptaudio stream | AC chat)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting ( transcript | AC chat)

ICANN Board / NCSG ( audio stream )

ICANN and Human Rights Session (agenda | transcript | audio stream | AC chat)

Cross-Community Working Party on ICANN & Human rights  (transcript | audio stream | AC chat)

ICANN 52 (Singapore, Feb 2015) 

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | audio stream)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting (transcript)

ICANN Board / NCSG (presentation | virtual meeting room stream | audio stream)

Human Rights and ICANN - Continuing the Conversation (transcript | audio stream)

ICANN 51 (Los Angeles, Oct 2014) 

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | audio stream)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting (agenda | transcript)

ICANN 50 (London, Jul 2014) 

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | audio stream)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting (agenda | transcript | audio stream)

ICANN 49 (Singapore, Mar 2014) 

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | virtual meeting room stream | audio stream)

NCSG Policy Committee Meeting  (transcript )

ICANN 48 (Buenos Aires, Nov 2013)

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | virtual meeting room stream )

ICANN 47 (Durban, Jul 2013)

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | audio stream)

ICANN 46 (Beijing, Mar 2013)

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | virtual meeting room stream | audio stream)

ICANN 45 (Toronto, Oct 2012)

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | virtual meeting room stream | audio stream)

ICANN 44 (Prague, Jul 2012)

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript | audio stream)

ICANN 43 (Costa Rica, Mar 2012)

NCSG Meeting (agenda | transcript part 1part 2 | virtual meeting room stream | audio stream part 1part 2)

ICANN 42 (Dakar, Oct 2011)

NCSG Meeting (agenda | audio stream)

ICANN 41 (Singapore, Jul 2011)

NCSG Meeting (virtual meeting room stream | audio stream part 1part 2)

ICANN 40 (Silicon Valley, Mar 2011)

NCSG Meeting ( audio stream)

ICANN 39 (Cartagena de Indias, Dec 2010)

NCSG Meeting (audio stream EN Part 1EN Part 2EN Part 3, EN Part 4)

ICANN 38 (Brussels, Jul 2010)

NCSG Meeting (audio stream EN Part 1, EN Part 2)

ICANN 37 (Nairobi, Mar 2010)

NCSG Meeting ( audio stream)