Action Items 21 April 2009
Action Items 21 April 2009
Action Items of 21 April 2009 EURALO Teleconference
Action item: S. Bachollet will forward the answer from the Staff to the Board members for discussion.
- W. Ludwig will forward to the Board the document “Framework for FY10 Budget Clarification on the relationship between ICANN's Operating Plan and Strategic Plan” for discussion and comments.
- A. Peake or somebody should read through the ALAC Review recommendation for such examples of budget failures.
Action item: We need to follow up on the work of this Working Group. Sebastien will inform EURALO on the ongoing developments.
Action item: Forward to the Euro-discuss list a draft (if there is any) on the Presidential committee statement. Follow up and keep informed on the work and development of the new gTLDs WG. (Sebastien)