Terri Agnew: (8/10/2015 08:51) Dear all, Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Teleconference on Monday, 10 August 2015 at 19:00 UTC
Terri Agnew: (08:52) meeting page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/yRaSBg
Eve Edelson: (13:45) hello all, I am listening only today, may need to leave a bit early
Garth Bruen: (13:47) Hi Terri. No mic from here, will dial in shortly.
John Laprise: (13:47) Hi all
Ron Sherwood: (13:51) Hi All
Eduardo Diaz: (13:52) hola
Garth Bruen: (13:52) Hi John, Ron, Eduardo, & Eve
Eduardo Diaz: (13:53) I will be connected only thru here. I I do not have good celular reception where I am located.
Terri Agnew 2: (13:53) Thank you for the information Eduardo
Eduardo Diaz: (13:53) I will try in any case
Garth Bruen: (13:55) Eduardo es en El Yunque
Glenn McKnight: (13:58) Hi all
Garth Bruen: (13:58) Hey Glenn
Garth Bruen: (13:58) Waiting for Judith and Alan
Heidi Ullrich: (13:59) Hi All!
Silvia Vivanco: (13:59) Hello all, welcome to the call
Louis Houle: (13:59) hello everyone
Heidi Ullrich: (14:00) Welcome, Evan! I have heard there is a heat wave there...
judith hellerstein: (14:00) HI All
Alfredo Calderon: (14:01) Hello, everyone. I am connected via my iPad. Using a low bandwidth connection.
Glenn McKnight: (14:01) W
Eve Edelson: (14:01) on continue en français? ou quoi? :)
Heidi Ullrich: (14:01) Wow, Evan, a distinct impovement in your FR :)
Glenn McKnight: (14:02) MUTED
judith hellerstein: (14:02) Welcome all
Glenn McKnight: (14:03) hi all
Tom Lowenhaupt: (14:03) Hello.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:03) Action Items from June f2f meeting: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99562087/ICANN+53+ALAC+and+At-Large+Action+Items+21-25+June+Workspace
Silvia Vivanco: (14:03) it would be the face to face
Terri Agnew 2: (14:04) Welcome Christopher Mondini and Le-Marie Thompson
Silvia Vivanco: (14:04) Monday, 22 June 2015NARALO Monthly Meeting @Eduardo Diaz will continue talking about the NARALO Newsletter and will find some volunteers. Timing : July-August: Garth Bruen will cross reference the CWG work with the ATLAS II recommendations.At-Large Technology Taskforce Meeting Judith Hellerstein,Glenn McKnight and @Dev Anand Teelucksingh in coordination with staff to work on a message for Outreach for AC/SOs to join the TaskForce
Terri Agnew 2: (14:04) CROPP Engagement and Outreach Strategy: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/kof2Bg
Glenn McKnight: (14:05) You gave comments Garth
Heidi Ullrich: (14:05) RALO Outreach Strategies: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99562322/RALO+Outreach+Strategies+for+FY16
Glenn McKnight: (14:08) We provided tangible numbers for recruitment. As I stressed we need to have a engagement strategy
Terri Agnew 2: (14:08) Welcome Avri Doria
Glenn McKnight: (14:08) Gaps in South Pacific with the US Territories
Glenn McKnight: (14:09) 51% of the ALS's have attended Zero or just one call
Glenn McKnight: (14:09) in the past 6 months
Alan Greenberg: (14:09) Multiple people per ALS should not just be a "possibility". It should be the norm.
Garth Bruen: (14:09) @Alan, yes
Silvia Vivanco: (14:10) Staff has gathered attendance records and provided them to NARALO Secretariat for review. The statistics cited by Glenn above come from that data
Heidi Ullrich: (14:10) NARALO could hold a onboarding call for all newish webinars...
Alan Greenberg: (14:10) Newish ALSes I presume you meant.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:10) so for ALSes that have joined in the last year, a call to introduce them, and the WGs, etc of At-Large...
Heidi Ullrich: (14:11) Yes, Alan!
Silvia Vivanco: (14:11) @ Judith, the "Spotlight" segment served the purpose to give the floor to ALSes to introduce themselves
Glenn McKnight: (14:11) @Heidi as an action item we need to set some dates and I will volunteer to do some of them
Heidi Ullrich: (14:11) Also, all new ALSes are given Confluence log in info.
Silvia Vivanco: (14:12) please be so kind to say your name before speaking for transcript purposes
Terri Agnew 2: (14:12) Welcome Gordon Chillcott
Gordon Chillcott: (14:12) Sorry I'm late. Just getting audio up now.
Glenn McKnight: (14:12) @Garth we need to vote on the strategy plan for NARALO to pass it onward to Chris Modini
Heidi Ullrich: (14:12) @Glenn, one or two onboarding webinars would be fine.
Terri Agnew 2: (14:13) Welcome Allan Skuce
Allan Skuce: (14:13) Thanks Terri
Glenn McKnight: (14:13) @Heidi lets just set a date and we will contact all the new ALS's to attend. Please set two dates for the Introductory Webinar. I did this a few months ago
Alan Greenberg: (14:14) A consensus call is always sufficient if there is quorum.
Alfredo Calderon: (14:16) agree
Evan Leibovitch: (14:16) Abstain
Glenn McKnight: (14:16) No symbol for abstain
seth reiss: (14:16) Sorry, I was on the phone, did not hear the question
Avri Doria: (14:16) i am an alternate, i do not vote
Alan Greenberg: (14:17) I abstain on behalf of unaffiliated member
Evan Leibovitch: (14:17) My reason for abstain is nothing to do with NARALO but my proboem with the rules forced on the region that IMO make the outreach program ineffective
Silvia Vivanco: (14:17) Ron has his hand up
seth reiss: (14:17) I will abstain as I am not familiar with the plan, sorry
Glenn McKnight: (14:17) Only Seith and Ron left
Alan Greenberg: (14:17) Do we have quorum?
Joly MacFie: (14:17) I agree given the rules.
judith hellerstein: (14:17) We are voting on the cropp plan and that is the question
Glenn McKnight: (14:17) Seith is abstaining
Glenn McKnight: (14:18) Thanks all
judith hellerstein: (14:18) Thanks
Glenn McKnight: (14:18) Your welcome
Evan Leibovitch: (14:18) Th NARALO team has done great work given the costraints
Alan Greenberg: (14:18) Can we please have for the record a staff statement that we have quorum?
Silvia Vivanco: (14:18) 13 positive checks
Glenn McKnight: (14:19) @Heidi did you see Alan's comment
Glenn McKnight: (14:19) I am on the committee as the ALAC person
Allan Skuce: (14:19) Looking for an RT from the finance committee,
Glenn McKnight: (14:19) We still need a RT for CROPP
Allan Skuce: (14:19) No I was with the finance committee
Alan Greenberg: (14:19) To be clear, it is not the NARALO that makes the selection.
Glenn McKnight: (14:20) Judith and I are on the finance committee
Glenn McKnight: (14:20) I will volunteer if we are limited in choices
Allan Skuce: (14:20) I'm not elegible
Allan Skuce: (14:21) I'll look into that.
Allan Skuce: (14:21) Great, thanks Glenn
Glenn McKnight: (14:21) Your welcome
Evan Leibovitch: (14:21) Does Glenn's nomination require a second?
Glenn McKnight: (14:22) Yes you are right Alan G
Glenn McKnight: (14:23) @ Evan we need to circle back on the nomination
Glenn McKnight: (14:23) Yes, it was last week
judith hellerstein: (14:23) We are just looking to see what are the rules on this and whether Alan Skuce can still be on the finance and also possiblystill be a candidate for the RT
Heidi Ullrich: (14:24) ALS C and E TF: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99627902/At-Large+ALS+Criteria+and+Expectations+Taskforce
Silvia Vivanco: (14:24) NARALO newsletter: http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=99f0824b0f84f0a3dcbd90f6f&id=a41631c0a2&e=
Silvia Vivanco: (14:24) has been posted on the main landing WIKI page
Glenn McKnight: (14:24) @Heidi the notes is missing the self nomination of myself for the CROPP RT
Heidi Ullrich: (14:24) Thanks. Glenn
Glenn McKnight: (14:24) @ Heidi we need a seconder
Heidi Ullrich: (14:25) for the approval of the consensus call?
Glenn McKnight: (14:25) @ on the nomination
Silvia Vivanco: (14:26) staff has posted the NEWSLETTER in the wiki page as well
Alan Greenberg: (14:26) JUdith, both FBSC and the O&E SC have specific MEMBERS as well as PARTICIPANTS. Anyone can volunteer to be the latter. CROPP-RT members are selected by the members of each SC. The important aspect is that the CROPP-RT members be selected based on their active envolvement in their parent SC, to ensure that the CROPP-RT decisions are based on current priorities.
Louis Houle: (14:27) Audio Garth?
judith hellerstein: (14:27) I hear him fine
Garth Bruen: (14:27) @Louis can you hear me?
Glenn McKnight: (14:27) The Cropp RT needs to review all the CROPP applications before going to staff
Louis Houle: (14:28) Yes
Joly MacFie: (14:28) I am happy to 2nd Glenn's nomination for the CROPP RT.
Glenn McKnight: (14:28) @Joly Thanks Joly. we need to make sure it's in the minutes
judith hellerstein: (14:29) Thanks
Louis Houle: (14:30) @ Garth. Clear documentation welcome
judith hellerstein: (14:31) Will travel support provided
Glenn McKnight: (14:31) or Washington
Evan Leibovitch: (14:31) Does this include virtual participation?
Glenn McKnight: (14:32) @Evan just a new idea, unclear on logistics
Evan Leibovitch: (14:33) I mean just AC access
seth reiss: (14:34) How about Honolulu?
seth reiss: (14:35) I tried to get the 2016 NA Meeting here but the bid was not accepted (again!)
Glenn McKnight: (14:35) @seth that was unfortunate
Louis Houle: (14:36) + 1 Evan
christopher mondini: (14:36) there is space for 24 people
christopher mondini: (14:36) in our board room
Glenn McKnight: (14:36) Yes nice board room, and a great view on the roof too
christopher mondini: (14:36) no audio
Alan Greenberg: (14:36) I have been at meetings there. It is great.
Avri Doria: (14:36) 20 people maybe at the most.
Glenn McKnight: (14:36) We hear you
Evan Leibovitch: (14:37) I don't think 20 people for a meeting like this will be too much.
Avri Doria: (14:37) the conference room is not subject to weather.
Avri Doria: (14:38) the rooftop is nice for a lunch, but no place for a meeting.
Garth Bruen: (14:38) @Avri, I've seen it rain indoors ;-)
Evan Leibovitch: (14:39) Didn't mean to dwell on the room details, just to note that locations in LA or DC might allow more meetings than just NARALO F2F
Terri Agnew 2: (14:40) Apply Now to Be the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) Representative, North America Region: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-07-27-en
judith hellerstein: (14:40) +1 to Evan
Silvia Vivanco: (14:40) for ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce will have a call possibly during the week of August 17th and 24
Alan Greenberg: (14:41) Deadline is 12 August
Alan Greenberg: (14:42) https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-07-27-en
Heidi Ullrich: (14:42) Announcement on NARALO NomCom rep - https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-07-27-en
Terri Agnew 2: (14:43) At-Large Working Groups: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/F1-xBQ
Glenn McKnight: (14:43) Link
Joly MacFie: (14:43) It's a shame that Avri is not eligible haveing lost the election!
Terri Agnew 2: (14:43) ALS Criteria & Expectations Taskforce 07 August 2015: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Px7vBQ
Terri Agnew 2: (14:44) Improving the Effectiveness of RALOs and ALSes in supporting the mission of At Large and ICANN: https://community.icann.org/x/MIhCAw
Heidi Ullrich: (14:44) The ALS C and E TF workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99627902/At-Large+ALS+Criteria+and+Expectations+Taskforce
Silvia Vivanco: (14:44) Action Items of that call are: Created by Terri Agnew, last modified by Silvia Vivanco on Aug 07, 2015 Translate Go to start of metadata 1. Five Sub groups to be formed to meet weekly.2. Homework: All to review the reference members (bottom of Agenda page) in order to identify the leaders for the various sub teams.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:44) Two NARALO RALO members are needed.
Louis Houle: (14:44) Application until the 13th for the ALAC representative
Alan Greenberg: (14:44) Presentation at https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/99556927/ALS%20Criteria%20%26%20Expectations.pdf?version=2&modificationDate=1438922366000&api=v2
judith hellerstein: (14:44) @joly I suggested the same thing to her, but I think she decided not to apply
Joly MacFie: (14:46) she says, once you lose an election you are not eligibale for noncom. Rules.
Joly MacFie: (14:47) If I'd known this I might have had second thoughts at moving Alan from Noncom..
judith hellerstein: (14:47) Too bad
Avri Doria: (14:48) i do not think there is a strick rule, but it is one of the presumptions that those wo cannot win an election should not use nomcom as a way around that loss.
Terri Agnew 2: (14:48) Welcome Yubelkys Montalvo
Yubelkys: (14:48) Hello! My apologies for my delay
Avri Doria: (14:49) i really do not beleive in playing games with these election and nomcom processes.
Louis Houle: (14:49) @ Avri. It is to the NomCom to decide.
Yubelkys: (14:49) Thank you Terri!
Louis Houle: (14:50) But I understand your point
Avri Doria: (14:50) well first it is for me to decide to decide what i think is propoer.
Avri Doria: (14:50) but i appreciate the warm sentiments.
Louis Houle: (14:50) Of course
Joly MacFie: (14:51) I think it is good if the NomCom have a choice of the best candidates.
Louis Houle: (14:51) Right Joly
Avri Doria: (14:51) how come Alan is the only one i can't hear?
Eve Edelson: (14:51) feels awkward to leave after that! but my ride is leaving -- I must go - will read transcripts.
Leah Symekher: (14:51) Thank Evan he states clearly the confusion experienced hence choosing to step back
judith hellerstein: (14:52) @avri. I do not know. I can hear everyone
Evan Leibovitch: (14:52) needs ... and understands.
Terri Agnew 2: (14:52) goodbye Eve
Glenn McKnight: (14:52) bye Eve
judith hellerstein: (14:52) bye Eve
Evan Leibovitch: (14:53) Leah... I didn't step back because of frustration. After all I'm still here :-)
Terri Agnew 2: (14:53) @Avri, please let me know if a dial out is needed
Leah Symekher: (14:54) sorry meant me stepping back
Evan Leibovitch: (14:54) The point I am making is that, out of the fray, I've had a little time to reflect.
Terri Agnew 2: (14:54) Summary of Issues: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Gh-vBQ
Evan Leibovitch: (14:54) Oh, sorry :-)
judith hellerstein: (14:54) HI Leah so sorry about it. Please let me know what I can do to help
Leah Symekher: (14:55) I will Judith. thx
Heidi Ullrich: (14:55) Please see the exchanges between Garth and Allen in the comments sections on the bottom of the summary of issues page.
Evan Leibovitch: (14:57) @Garth.... in ICANN, anything short of a relationship such as the Ombudsman would carry a similar conflict. ICANN as an organization profits from domain sales and has an institutional conflict.
Louis Houle: (14:57) @ Alan: agree
Glenn McKnight: (14:59) My question what is ICANN going to do about this?
Heidi Ullrich: (15:00) Please read the responses from Allen on this. ICANN has recently updated their webpages.
judith hellerstein: (15:01) Sorry for going late today
Louis Houle: (15:02) Yes, but I have to leave in a few minutes.
judith hellerstein: (15:03) I know I have to leave in 5 minutes as well
Garth Bruen: (15:03) We'll try to wrap up
Alan Greenberg: (15:03) I have to leave now as well.
Glenn McKnight: (15:05) This is a optics problem
Alan Greenberg: (15:06) Sorry, need to go.
Glenn McKnight: (15:06) none
Avri Doria: (15:07) if it is only an optics problem, is it that serious? or is it a real problem? what makes it a real problem?
Terri Agnew 2: (15:07) Monthly Report Template- http://tinyurl.com/pv3mgdw
Terri Agnew 2: (15:08) Russia Bans Funding from "undesirable" foreign groups (RT): http://www.rt.com/politics/271456-russia-undesirable-groups-gatilov/
Allan Skuce: (15:08) Thanks Garth
Allan Skuce: (15:08) Bye.
Louis Houle: (15:08) Bye bye frome Quebec!
Glenn McKnight: (15:08) Thanks Bye all
christopher mondini: (15:08) au revoir
Silvia Vivanco: (15:08) Thank you all, AIs will be posted shortly\
Yubelkys: (15:08) Bye! I will review the transcripts
Gordon Chillcott: (15:08) Bye, now. T hanks.