Confluence v5.2 Plugins
Adaptavist Content Formatting Macros (com.adaptavist.confluence.contentFormattingMacros, Version: 3.0.0, Installed: Mar 20, 2013) | A collection of 25 macros that help format content in Confluence more easily and enhance the appearance of Wiki pages. | YES |
Adaptavist Rate Macro (com.adaptavist.confluence.rate, Version: 5.0.0, Installed: Mar 21, 2013) | The Rate Macro enables collection and display of user-ratings on pages and blog posted to Confluence. | NO |
Adaptavist Replace and Render (com.adaptavist.confluence.replaceandrender, Version: 1.1.6, Installed: Sep 4, 2012) | Allows replacements to be made within a block of wiki markup. It provides a set of macros that can be used to take the output of one macro and use it as the input for another. | NO |
Adaptavist Survey Plugin (com.adaptavist.confluence.survey, Version: 2.0.3, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) | Adds the ability to create and manage surveys from within Confluence itself with no extra software required. This plugin is being used in several spaces. | YES |
Advanced Macros (confluence.macros.advanced, Version: 2.3.1, Installed: Oct 6, 2012) | This plugin provides many macros which generate content on other Confluence content. Many of these macros are being used within the Community Wiki. These are installed natively with v5.2. | -- |
Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager - Plugin License Storage plugin (com.atlassian.upm.plugin-license-storage-plugin, Version: 2.12.4, Installed: Sep 4, 2012) | ??? |
Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager Plugin (com.atlassian.upm.atlassian-universal-plugin-manager-plugin, Version: 2.13.3, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) | Manage installed add-ons, search for and install new add-ons, upgrade an application or add-on, enter license information and more. | YES |
Basic Macros (confluence.macros.basic, Version: 2.0.5, Installed: Sep 4, 2012) | This library includes basic macros for linking and formatting content. These macros are bundled with v5.2. | -- |
Bob Swift Software - Graphviz Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.extra.graphviz, Version: 2.1.1, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) | Generate and display graphs based on Graph Visualization Software (Graphviz) and the DOT language. Features:
| TBD |
Bob Swift Software - HTML Plugin (org.swift.confluence.html, Version: 4.2.4, Installed: Aug 19, 2013) | This plugin provides macros for including HTML and XSLT on Confluence pages. Features:
| YES |
Bob Swift Software - Table Plugin (org.swift.confluence.table, Version: 6.0.0, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) | This Confluence plugin is a set of macros that enhance table capabilities, such as advanced sorting, column totals, auto numbering, row highlighting, and column styles. | YES |
Bob Swift Software - Table Sorter Library (org.swift.confluence.tablesorter, Version: 2.0.0, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) | Library to enable plugins to get advanced table capabilities like column sorting, automatic totaling and numbering, and customized attributes. Normally installed automatically by the using plugins. | YES |
Chart Plugin (confluence.extra.chart, Version: 2.0.2, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) | Display a chart. Pie, bar, line, area, scatter, time series, and various xy chart types are available. Data for a chart can be simple Confluence tables, CSV or Excel files, or the results from SQL queries. Now bundled with v5.2. | -- |
Code Macro Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.ext.newcode-macro-plugin, Version: 2.1.1, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) | The Code Block macro allows you to display source code in your document with the appropriate syntax highlighting. | NO |
Confluence Attachments Plugin (confluence.extra.attachments, Version: 3.6.7, Installed: Jul 24, 2012) | ??? |
Confluence Contributors Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.contributors, Version: 1.4, Installed: Jun 7, 2010) | The Contributors Plugin contains macros to display contributors and statistics from a page or a set of pages. There are currently two macros in this plugin: Contributors Macro & Contributors Summary Macro. The {contributors} macro displays a simple list of contributors within a page while the {contributors-summary} macro displays a table grouped by contributors or page names. Bundled with v5.2. | -- |
Confluence Extractor API Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-extractor-api-plugin, Version: 1.0, Installed: Aug 19, 2013) | Bundled with v5.2 | -- |
Confluence HTML Macros (confluence.macros.html, Version: 2.0.2, Installed: Sep 4, 2012) | This library contains macros that allow users to include raw HTML code within a page. Enabling these macros will open your Confluence site to cross-site scripting attacks. Do not enable them unless you trust all your users! Bundled with v5.2.
| -- |
Confluence Thread Dump Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.threaddump, Version: 2.0.1, Installed: Mar 20, 2013) | If you find that Confluence is slow or unresponsive, thread dumps help diagnose the problem. Either generate a thread dump immediately or trigger periodic execution of thread dumps. | NO |
Confluence Usage Stats (com.atlassian.confluence.ext.usage, Version: 0.17, Installed: Jun 7, 2010) | Now built-in with v5.2 | -- |
CustomWare Composition Plugin (net.customware.confluence.plugin.composition, Version: 3.0.3, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) | Composition Plugin contains macros which:
| YES |
CustomWare Linking Plugin (net.customware.confluence.plugin.linking, Version: 3.0.2, Installed: Apr 30, 2013) | This plug-in contains macros for linking to templates, the dashboard and other Confluence features. | YES |
CustomWare Reporting - Core (net.customware.reporting.reporting-core, Version: 1.0.2, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) | The Reporting Plugin is a powerful framework for extracting and presenting information. Wikis contains a wealth of information, including unstructured content, structured content, meta data and a stack of usage data. This plugin contains macros which allow powerful and flexible reporting on this Confluence content and content from other external locations. This plugin is being used extensively within the Community Wiki. | YES |
Descendent Notification Plugin (com.adaptavist.confluence.descendentNotification, Version: 3.0.2, Installed: Aug 21, 2013) | Extends Confluence’s page watch functionality to an entire hierarchy of pages whenever something changes on a selected page or its descendants. | YES |
Documentation Theme (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.doctheme, Version: 5.2.5, Installed: Nov 12, 2010) | Built-in with v5.2 | -- |
Dynamic Task List 2 Plugin (confluence.extra.dynamictasklist2, Version: 4.2.1, Installed: Jul 24, 2012) | A wiki-based checklist for tasks with easy, ajax-driven task completion. | TBD |
Editor Height Fix (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editor-height-fix, Version: 1.0, Installed: Jun 5, 2013) | Chrome 27 is incompatible with Confluence 5.1.2 and below. The editor does not open at full height. This tiny plugin fixes that bug immediately for customers who cannot immediately upgrade to 5.1.3. | NO |
Form Mail NG (com.adaptavist.confluence.formMailNG, Version: 2.0.6, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) | Enables creation of custom email forms with full control of the fields/layout including validation of input, auto-complete a logged-in user’s details, and protection against from spam (CAPTCHA). Not currently supported in v5.2. | *** |
German language pack (confluence.languages.de_DE, Version: 1.21, Installed: Jul 13, 2011) | Language packs are built-in with v5.2 | -- |
IM Presence NG Plugin (confluence.extra.impresence2, Version: 2.8.3, Installed: Mar 20, 2013) | Display the presence status of users for a variety of Instant Messaging services. A simple macro which displays the presence status of users for various Instant Messaging services, such as AIM or MSN. This can be considered a replacement for the existing macros which come bundled with recent versions of Confluence, as well as the Aim User Status Macro, Google Talk Macro, Sametime status macro, Skype Me User Macro, Wildfire Presence Macro and Yahoo Status macro. | NO |
JIRA Macros (confluence.extra.jira, Version: 5.0.3, Installed: Apr 12, 2013) | JIRA is the issue tracking and project management system supplied by Atlassian. The Confluence JIRA macros enables you to report on your JIRA projects in your release notes and status report pages. With the JIRA Issues macro, you can:
| -- |
Lucene Compatibility Plugin (com.atlassian.labs.lucene-compat-plugin, Version: 1.1, Installed: Aug 19, 2013) | ??? |
Office Connector plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.extra.officeconnector, Version: 3.1.1, Installed: Jan 20, 2011) | The Office Connector allows you to use Microsoft Office or OpenOffice to create and edit rich content for your Confluence wiki. If you've been trying to increase wiki adoption in your organisation then you need this plugin. It provides a seamless interface between Confluence and the familiar idea of document sharing. In addition, it adds the power of a fully featured word processor as a WYSIWYG wiki editor. Features of the Office Connector:
| -- |
Page Tree Plugin (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.pagetree, Version: 2.3.1, Installed: Dec 9, 2010) | System plugin. | -- |
Plugin Licensing Manager Plugin (com.adaptavist.plm.plugin.plm-plugin, Version: 0.6.1, Installed: Sep 27, 2011) | The Plugin Licensing Manager (PLM) is a one-stop shop for administrators to manage plugins and their licenses. The PLM provides a standard plugin license user interface experience which is integrated with Atlassian’s universal plugin manager. | NO |
RB Filtering - Confluence (org.randombits.filtering.filtering-confluence, Version: 1.2.4, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RB Filtering - Core (org.randombits.filtering.filtering-core, Version: 1.0.2, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RB Storage - Confluence (, Version: 5.2.0, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RB Storage - Core (, Version: 5.2.1, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RB Storage - Parameters (, Version: 5.0.0, Installed: Apr 30, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RB Storage - Servlet (, Version: 5.2.0, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RB Supplier - Confluence (org.randombits.supplier.supplier-confluence, Version: 1.0.8, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RB Supplier - Core (org.randombits.supplier.supplier-core, Version: 1.0.6, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RB Support - Confluence (, Version: 5.2.7, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RB Support - Core (, Version: 1.2.4, Installed: Apr 26, 2013) | ServiceRocket: This is a support library containing the core API for Criteria. (Note: This add-on is not useful when downloaded by itself and can only be uninstalled if you uninstall all add-ons dependent on it). | -- |
RefinedWiki Mobile Interface (, Version: 2.2.1, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) | Extend Confluence and collaborate on the go with your smartphone. | YES |
RefinedWiki Original Theme (com.refinedwiki.confluence.plugins.theme.original, Version: 3.5.8, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) | Provides the theming capability for site consistency. | YES |
Remotable Plugins I18n plugin (remotable.plugins.i18n, Version: 1, Installed: Sep 28, 2013) | ??? |
Scaffolding Metadata Plugin (org.randombits.confluence.confluence-metadata, Version: 5.0.5, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) | Allows the building of sophisticated page templates currently being used in multiple spaces. | YES |
Support Tools Plugin (, Version: 3.5.2, Installed: Mar 20, 2013) | The Support Tools Plugin helps you identify and fix issues, and contact Atlassian Support when you need help. In a single click the Hercules Log Scanner will match error messages and problem descriptions from your logs with bug reports and KnowledgeBase articles. With the power of Hercules, you can find solutions to problems in seconds. When you need our help, in a few quick clicks you can create an Atlassian support ticket - complete with attached logs and configuration files - so we can help you solve the problem. | -- |
Survey Macros (com.nearinfinity.confluence.survey-plugin, Version:, Installed: May 6, 2011) | ??? |
Table of Contents Plugin (org.randombits.confluence.toc, Version: 2.6.5, Installed: Feb 3, 2013) | This macro generates a Table of Contents for the current page based on its headings. Now built-in with v5.2. | -- |
Tabular Metadata (confluence.extra.masterdetail, Version: 3.2, Installed: Jul 24, 2012) | This plugin contains a pair of macros which work with content labels to allow you to embed metadata into pages and blog posts. With the macros, you can add "fields" to a page or a blog post and then display a summary of them in a fixed tabular format. It's really an easy way to add fields to pages or a blog posts dynamically and then generate a report based on them. | ??? |
Team Calendars (, Version: 4.0.3, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) | Team Calendars provides one place to track a common schedule of leave and events so you know who's doing what and when. (KB: I had been exploring use of this plugin within the SG/Constituency pages within GNSO). | YES |
User Lister (confluence.extra.userlister, Version: 2.6.0, Installed: Jun 7, 2010) | This plugin provides a user macro which shows the registered users in Confluence. | -- |
Viewtracker Plugin (ch.bitvoodoo.confluence.plugins.viewtracker, Version: 3.0.3, Installed: Sep 5, 2013) | Have you ever wondered, not only how many people visited a Confluence page or blog post you wrote, but also who read it when and how many times? The viewtracker plugin gives you the answers to exactly those questions, because it is more than just a simple visit-counter. Below is the list of macros in the plugin and brief descriptions of what they do:
| NO |
Widget Connector (com.atlassian.confluence.extra.widgetconnector, Version: 2.1.7, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) | The Widget Connector plugin provides a simple way to connect Confluence to widget services on the web. Features:
| -- |
bitvoodoo Registration Plugin (ch.bitvoodoo.confluence.plugins.registration, Version: 1.0.2, Installed: Jul 2, 2013) | ??? |
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For Consideration: | ||
Adaptavist Footnotes | The Confluence Footnote and {display-footnotes} macros allow easy creation of footnotes in Confluence content. This is a useful macro, especially for those creating document pages. Many pages today have this macro in use. | YES |
Adaptavist Move Comment | The Move Comment plugin allows moving a comment, and all its child comments, from one Confluence page to another. A link giving the option to move the comment is added next to the edit and remove links. This plugin has been valuable because many users become confused and enter comments in the wrong areas. Rather than have to delete and add, the Move Comment macro allows the information to be reorganized while preserving integrity. | YES |
ServiceRocket Reporting Plugin | YES | |
ServiceRocket Visibility Plugin | This plugin contains macros which allow you to show or hide content based on a users name, groups, space access, etc. This plugin enables the ability, along with CSS, to hide the <Edit> button for Scaffolding templates – a common user error that wastes a lot of time and causes much frustration. | YES |
Diagramly Confluence Plugin | Diagramly is a browser-native diagram creation tool. It is fully functional without any licensing cost for any number of users and in any usage environment. Diagramly is fully embedded into confluence, so your data security and application scalability, reliability and availability inherit that of your confluence server. You can test Diagramly at This plugin is not just a copy of this tool wrapped up in Confluence, we've added support for all the key integrations you expect, macros, linking, search and export. | YES |
RefinedWiki UI Toolkit | FREE Confluence plugin which includes a bundle of beautiful UI elements: UI Button - Create a link to an external or internal site. | YES |
Google Analytics Confluence Integration | The Google Plugin for Google Analytics provides a deeper understanding of your Confluence use. The plugin tracks all user activities in Confluence, along with a number of key activities related to pages, blogs, attachments, and search queries. | YES |
Gliffy Confluence Plugin | Diagrams Made Easy: Create professional diagrams to illustrate and collaborate your ideas | YES |