Voting Remedies Notification Form-Test KB1
GNSO Council Voting Remedy Notification Form
Officer Name: |
Email Address: |
Date Prepared: |
GNSO Organization: |
Officer Position/Title: |
Voting Remedy: |
Reason(s) for or condition(s) leading to the remedy:
Specific subject(s)/measure(s)/motion(s)/action(s) of the Council for which the remedy is being exercised:
Remedy Expiration Date: |
Name of voting substitute: |
Substitute's Email Address: |
If Temp Alternate, SOI link: |
For proxy, the substitute must be a sitting GNSO Councilor. For Temporary Alternate, (a) the substitute may not be a currently serving Councilor; and (b) if not already published and available, a Statement of Interest should be prepared and page link provided to the GNSO Secretariat in advance of any discussion or voting scheduled to take place.