ICANN Community Travel Support Guidelines Consultation

ICANN Community Travel Support Guidelines Consultation

Background and Rationale

The ICANN organization supports the work of the ICANN volunteer community to ensure the Internet remains interoperable, resilient and secure. Volunteer participation comes in many forms—through working groups, attending ICANN Public Meetings, joining a stakeholder community. The ICANN organization is committed to providing the necessary resources to invest in a sustainable community. This includes capacity development, administrative and travel support, outreach and engagement.

Supporting diverse, global participation in ICANN’s policy-making work is a key part of the ICANN mission. Demands are growing over time, driven by many factors including but not limited to increasing cross-community work, robust policy development and implementation, growth in working groups, and expansion of reviews.

As part of delivering these contributions, the ICANN organization recognizes the significant value provided to its mission and work by community leaders and contributing participants at ICANN Public Meetings. Likewise, the ICANN organization recognizes that individual community requests to increase permanent travel support levels at ICANN Public Meetings are important and strategic, requiring consideration as part of the overall Operating Plan and Budget.

As the community grows, we need to examine whether the current ICANN Community Travel Support Guidelines are still fit for purpose. For example, over the past few years, several communities have experimented with increased levels of funding through the Additional Budget Request process. In a number of those cases, increased travel support was later incorporated into the Operating Plan and Budget.

These experiences and growing demand have revealed that the guidelines for community travel support are no longer comprehensive and need updating. The ICANN Community Travel Support Guidelines were last updated in 2013 for fiscal year 2014 and published on the Community Travel Support page. In the spirit of greater accountability and transparency, the ICANN organization seeks to begin strategic conversations with the community about travel support and community resources. 

The long-term sustainability of community travel support requires strategic consideration by the entire community. As part of these strategic conversations, the ICANN organization is initiating a community consultation to examine and assess the best approach to review the purpose, value, and resources needed to continue supporting the community in its deliberations at ICANN Public Meetings. Through this process, the ICANN organization will collect feedback and views from the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees and their constituent groups. This information will guide resource planning for future Operating Plans and Budgets.

Summary Report

Community Travel Support Guidelines Consultation Process


3 October 2017NARALONARALO Response
26 October 2017Alan GreenbergAG Input
1 November 2017Carlos Raul GutierrezCRG Response
16 November 2017ISPCPISPCP Response
17 November 2017RySGRySG Response
20 November 2017NCSGNCSG Response
25 November 2017NCUCNCUC Response
28 November 2017GNSO CouncilGNSO Council Response
5 December 2017GACGAC Response
5 December 2017BCBC Response
10 January 2018RSSACRSSAC Response
27 January 2018SSACSSAC Response

Briefings, Meetings, and Teleconferences

DateGroup/EventResource (if available)
27 September 2017SSAC workshop
12 October 2017GNSO Council teleconferenceFinal Proposed Agenda 12 October 2017
26 October 2017Alan Greenberg, ALAC Chair
29 October 2017ALAC and Regional Leaders work wession, part 9

At-Large Meetings - Sunday, 29 October 2017 Workspace


29 October 2017SSAC Administrative Committee meeting
31 October 2017NPOC meetingNPOC Constituency Day Meeting - ICANN60
1 November 2017

RSSAC meeting


Community Travel Support Guidelines Consultation – Questionnaire (.pdf)

Community Travel Support Guidelines Consultation – Questionnaire (.docx)