Conference Calls

Conference Calls

Link to Adobe Connect:  https://icann.adobeconnect.com/whois/
CONFERENCE ID:  65013671

Dial-in numbers: several countries are listed below for ease of reference. Should you live in another country or be traveling, please refer to the full list available at: http://adigo.com/icann/
Should you require a dial-out, please provide us with your phone number.

North - 10 800 712 1212
South - 10 800 120 1212
All - 400 120 0691

000 800 001 6131

005 31 121 467
0066 33812579
+81 3 4578 9033

No dial-in number available. Kindly provide your number and we will dial out to you.

United States
1 800 550 6865
T - +1 213 233 3193


CallDateTimeMeeting NotesRecordingTranscript
0118 September 201313:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
0225 September 201313:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
032 October 2013 - CANCELLED- --
049 October 201313:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
0516 October 2013 - CANCELLED- --
0623 October 201313:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
0730 October 2013 13:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
086 November 2013 - CANCELLED- --
0913 November 201313:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
104 December 201314:00-15:00 UTCNotesRecordingTranscript
1111 December 201314:00-15:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
1218 December 201314:00-15:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
1315 January 201414:00-15:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
1422 January 201414:00-15:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
155 February 201414:00-15:00 UTC Recording 
1619 February 201414:00-15:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
1726 February 201414:00-15:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
1828 February 201414:00-15:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
195 March 201414:00-15:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
2012 March 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
219 April 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
2223 April 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
2314 May 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
2421 May 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
2528 May 201413:00-14:00 UTC   
264 June 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
2713 August 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
283 September 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
2910 September 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
3024 September 201413:00-14:00 UTC RecordingTranscript
3126 November 201414:00-15:00 UTC RecordingTranscript