5. Background Documents
5. Background Documents
Please review the following materials prior to the first meeting of the Working Group:
- Working Group Charter - 3. WG Charter
- GNSO Working Group Guidelines - ANNEX 1_ GNSO Working Group Guidelines-6.pdf
- GNSO Working Group Guidelines Summary - GNSO WG Guidelines Summary - Version 6 April 2011.pdf
- Overview of information relating to the issue of locking of a domain name subject to UDRP Proceedings - Overview of information - 17 January 2012.doc
- GNSO Policy Development Process - http://www.icann.org/en/about/governance/bylaws#AnnexA and ANNEX 2_ Policy Development Process Manual.pdf
- Overview of GNSO PDP - http://gnso.icann.org/correspondence/intro-revised-gnso-pdp-14mar12-en.pdf
- New PDP Overview - 25 January 2012.doc
- Locking WG - Overview of Documents - 16 April 2012.ppt